
by The Hairy Bikers

The Hairy Bikers’ traditional liver and bacon makes a simple supper packed full of flavour and bursting with vitamins and minerals

Main course

Buyer's guide

Liver needs to be very fresh; look for firm, proud, glistening livers with a deep pink-red colour. Most calves’ livers sold in the UK come from Dutch veal calves. If animal welfare is a concern for you, there are several producers of high welfare British rosĂ© veal that supply consumers with British calves’ liver (look online).


Liver is best used on the day of purchase; at most keep it in the fridge for 1-2 days.


Sliced thinly and quickly grilled, griddled or fried and served pink, liver is tender and full of flavour. Chicken livers can be pan-fried whole and served pink. Ox liver needs slow cooking, so braise or stew for best results.