
Contact us

The ±«Óãtv welcomes feedback from the public on all aspects of our handling of Freedom of Information Act matters.

Updated: 2 October 2023

Let us know your views

If you wish to contact us with your views regarding the ±«Óãtv's dealings of FOI matters, please write to:

  • ±«Óãtv Information Rights

    C/o First Floor
    Wogan House
    99 Great Portland Street
    W1W 7NY
  • Email

Publication Scheme

We intend our Publication Scheme to continue to expand with the proactive publishing of new information. We are also committed to ensure that the information published is kept up to date in accordance with the Act.

The ±«Óãtv would appreciate your comments and feedback on our Publication Scheme in order for us to develop and expand it further. Please write to:

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