Reviewer's Rating 1 out of 5 Ìý
Monster Man (2005)
18Contains strong gory violence

A sniggering joy ride that's short on joy but steeped in stupidity, Monster Man's derivative redneck tale follows teenagers Adam (Eric Jungmann) and Harley (Justin Urich) as they're chased down the highway by a scary hillbilly in a monster truck. Veering between gross out larfs, icky sticky gore and scantily clad hitchhikers (midriff-flashing Aimee Brooks), it swerves around the screen like a drunk driver until everyone involved gets so bored they fall asleep at the wheel. It's cinema roadkill.

Even a retarded gerbil could join the all-too-obvious dots between this brain dead effort and backwoods horror movies like Jeepers Creepers, Dead End and (especially) Roadkill. Writer/director Michael Davis (the man who once penned Robert Patrick videogame adaptation Double Dragon tries to spice things up with some gross out gags about pubic hair, dead animals and a scene where one of the characters mistakenly drinks the contents of a septic tank. Even the villain - a stumbling, stitched-up road traffic victim - is played for laughs.


Desperate for fame, the actors do their best with what little they're given, with Jungmann's Velcro-pocketed nerd acting as straight man to Urich's irritating motor mouth (it should help that he looks like Jack Black's little brother, but it doesn't). Spare a thought for actress Aimee Brooks, though, whose role consists of nothing more than a mini-skirt, low-cut top and a pair of knee-high boots. She definitely took a Wrong Turn somewhere on the casting highway.

End Credits

Director: Michael Davis

Writer: Michael Davis

Stars: Eric Jungmann, Justin Urich, Aimee Brooks, Joe Goodrich, Michael Bailey Smith

Genre: Comedy, Horror

Length: 95 minutes

Cinema: 11 March 2005

Country: USA

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