
Guidance: Trailing of ±«Óătv related commercial products, material or services on ±«Óătv Network Radio stations, Nations, ±«Óătv Public Service Television Channels and ±«Óătv Public Service Platforms

Editorial Guidelines issues

This guidance notes relates to the following Editorial Guidelines:

1. Introduction

The ±«Óătv and independent production companies working for the ±«Óătv commission, produce and license a range of commercial products and services to enhance and extend the editorial offering to audiences. The ±«Óătv may only trail products and services which specifically relate to editorial output and clearly extend the editorial offering to listeners, viewers and other users.

This guidance outlines the approach the ±«Óătv will take when assessing the suitability of trailing ±«Óătv programme/content related commercial products, materials or services on its public service outlets. They apply to ±«Óătv programme/content related material to complement ±«Óătv commissioned output produced by both ±«Óătv Studios Ltd and by third party publishers/producers.

There are legal and regulatory constraints regarding on-air references to ±«Óătv programme/content related commercial products. This Guidance incorporates the principles set out in the ±«Óătv’s Editorial Guidelines

(See )

This Guidance covers specifically agreed trails and announcements for suitable programme/content related material, and also any trails for commercial products, materials and services related overall to a Network Radio station. Apart from agreed and scheduled trails, any other mention within programmes or other editorial content, of ±«Óătv programme/content related commercial products, materials or services would only be allowed in exceptional circumstances and must be both editorially justifiable and non-promotional with no element of plugging. Any such mention must be in accordance with the ±«Óătv’s Editorial Guidelines.

1.1 References to non ±«Óătv related products, materials or recordings

Commercial products, materials and services which are not clearly related to ±«Óătv output and which have not been commissioned by, approved by, or licensed by the ±«Óătv may not be trailed. Any references to non-±«Óătv related commercial products, such as commercial recordings, within programmes or editorial content must be strictly editorially relevant and non- promotional in accordance with ±«Óătv Editorial Guidelines concerning undue prominence.

(See Editorial Guidelines section 14: Independence from External Relationships 14.3.1 -14.3.15)

In some cases there may be specific guidance for individual Radio stations on editorial references to commercial recordings. Such guidance for individual stations will have been agreed with the relevant Channel Controller, the Head of Editorial Standards Audio and Music and Editorial Policy.

2. Key Points

  • We must never give undue prominence, ie give the impression that we are unduly promoting any commercial product, material or service on air or online. All trails must be in accordance with this detailed guidance.
  • Trails or announcements of the availability of ±«Óătv related products, materials or services must give only simple factual information without any element of hyping. They must never look or sound like a commercial advertisement.
  • Clear separation must be maintained between commercial trails and the editorial content of programme, podcast or other editorial content.
  • Where networks/stations/channels have continuity, trails must be voiced by continuity announcers or the equivalent and not presenters. Any other forms of trailing devised for Networks that do not have continuity e.g. in a block of announcements at the end of a programme, must not be voiced by presenters.
  • ±«Óătv Magazines must not be trailed on ±«Óătv radio, television or online, or on public service platforms.
  • Trails can never be guaranteed, and should not be promised as part of commercial deals/negotiations

±«Óătv-related books, recordings, DVDs, CDs and CD-ROMs, and digital products such as downloads which are directly related to ±«Óătv editorial output, and are commissioned by, licensed, approved by the ±«Óătv are the types of products which may be trailed where appropriate. The ±«Óătv and/or producers who own the rights in content commissioned by the ±«Óătv may organise events and tours which are linked to ±«Óătv commissioned content. These may be mounted on a commercial basis or on a cost recovery public service basis. Examples include exhibition events, talks and lectures, concerts and other forms of public performances, and festivals. They are designed to extend the scope, reach and impact of ±«Óătv content and to help audiences feel more connected to output. Such events and tours which have been commissioned by or licensed by the ±«Óătv, and under the ±«Óătv’s editorial oversight may be trailed on air. No sponsorship connected to a ±«Óătv related commercial event may be referenced in on air trails.  Any such proposals must be referred to the Director of the relevant output area and Editorial Policy in advance, before any deals are finalised; Editorial Policy will also consult Controller Regulation. A log must be kept of all such proposals by the Heads of Editorial Standards in each Division.

NB any proposals for on air trails for commercial events directly connected to, developed in association with, or licensed by ±«Óătv Children’s channels should be referred in advance in the first instance to the Head of Editorial Standards, ±«Óătv Children’s who will consult with the relevant Controller C±«Óătv/Cbeebies prior to referral to Editorial Policy, these trails if approved will not be voiced or presented by a C±«Óătv/Cbeebies presenter and will be clearly aimed at adults, not children.

No ±«Óătv programme/content related Materials other than those listed above and no other type of commercial product will be trailed: eg toys and novelty items must not be trailed. The only exception to this might be in relation to merchandise for ±«Óătv charity appeals such as Red Nose Day or Children in Need (see section 4.9 below).

Some ±«Óătv programme/content related Materials that use game formats but have been designed specifically for educational purposes may under certain circumstances be trailed. Editorial Policy must be consulted in advance for any proposals to trail such programme related materials and/or to expand the definition of permissible digital game formats for trailing. Editorial Policy will also consult Controller Regulation.

Any ±«Óătv Related Commercial Material which is trailed must be:

  • Directly relevant/editorially connected to the programme strand, or editorial output after which it is to be trailed
  • Under the ±«Óătv's editorial control
  • Commissioned, licensed or developed directly in conjunction with the associated ±«Óătv programme/content, station or Public Service platform
  • Consistent with the ±«Óătv's editorial and ethical values and standards

Material which is trailed may be published by ±«Óătv Studios Ltd or by an outside organisation under licence. It is important that trails do not unfairly favour ±«Óătv Studios Ltd published product, material or services.  

If a book is to be trailed, the relevant ±«Óătv editor or commissioning editor must have approved the copy by final draft stage and confirmed that it is sufficiently editorially related to the ±«Óătv output. NB When novels or other existing books or publications are serialised on radio or as podcasts, we may not trail them because they have not been commissioned, licensed or directly developed by the ±«Óătv.

Normally commercial products, materials or services may not be trailed after acquired programming. Where the ±«Óătv has contracted a programme on the basis of acquiring a license to show it , but where the deal has been structured as an acquisition and the ±«Óătv retains commissioning input/editorial oversight of the content that is to be broadcast/published by the ±«Óătv, a trail may be possible. Referral must be made to the relevant Head of Editorial Standards who will consult Editorial Policy. Editorial Policy will also consult Controller Regulation. Trails will not be acceptable after acquired programming where the ±«Óătv does not have sufficient commissioning editorial input/oversight.

The total quantity of on air trails for ±«Óătv related commercial products, materials or services on ±«Óătv public service radio and television services is restricted for ±«Óătv Policy reasons. In any seven day period, commencing 0600 on Saturday, the combined duration of such trails on ±«Óătv public service radio and television must not exceed seven minutes.

3. Referrals and Responsibilities

Network Radio & Sounds

All trails of ±«Óătv related commercial products, materials and services on ±«Óătv Network Radio Stations and on ±«Óătv Sounds must be approved by Head of Editorial Standards Radio and Music and the station Controller or their nominated deputy.

Head of Editorial Standards Radio & Music should be consulted in the first instance about the suitability of the material to be trailed, and where it may be trailed, and will also approve the recorded trail or the script for live trails.

In particular circumstances detailed in this Guidance, and in any other cases of difficulty, Head of Editorial Standards Radio and Music will consult with Editorial Policy.


All trails of ±«Óătv related commercial products, materials and services on ±«Óătv Network Radio Stations in the Nations must sent to the to the Head of Editorial Standards and for television to the relevant Head of Marketing and the relevant Nation’s Head of Media Planning for approval.

TV and iPlayer

All trails of ±«Óătv related commercial products, materials and services on ±«Óătv Public Service Television channels must be referred to Head of Media Planning ±«Óătv Content who may consult Head of Editorial Standards Chief Customer Officer Group. A log must be kept of all approved trails of ±«Óătv related commercial products, materials and services on ±«Óătv Public Service Television channels, ±«Óătv Network Radio, Nations and ±«Óătv Sounds Platform.

Any proposals for trails on ±«Óătv iPlayer must be referred to Editorial Policy in the first instance

Any other proposals that fall outside of/are not covered by this guidance should be referred to the relevant Head of Editorial Standards in the first instance, who must consult with Editorial Policy before approval can be given. Director Editorial Policy will need to be consulted; Editorial Policy may also consult Controller, Regulation.


The Head of Editorial Standards Radio and Music, will liaise with Media Planning, Chief Customer Officer Group about the number and timings of trails over a seven day period to ensure that the combined duration of trails across ±«Óătv public service Television and Radio can be calculated and recorded. This log will also include product trails carried on Nations output.

Keeping Records

±«Óătv Content must keep records on the number and timings of trails for all commercial products for the ±«Óătv’s Annual Report and Accounts. It also must compile records of all trail requests received and the outcome of the application. The records should include details of the application e.g. the scheduling, its duration, the programme after or during which the trail is requested, the product to be trailed and, where the trail request is accepted, the editorial rationale for each trail. The justification for rejecting a trail request should also be recorded.

The Head of Editorial Standards will be responsible for liaison with Media Planning in Marketing & Audiences so that the overall number of trails in a seven day period across ±«Óătv public service Television and Radio can be calculated and recorded. We must ensure that we do not exceed the maximum amount allowed under our Regulatory commitment across all the ±«Óătv’s public services in any seven day period.

4. Editorial Criteria for an On-Air Trail

±«Óătv related commercial products, services or materials may only be trailed if they are directly relevant to the preceding programme. To be “directly relevant” certain criteria must be satisfied.  

4.1 Books and audio recordings of ±«Óătv programmes

In order to merit a trail, a book or audio recording must be the official publication of the programme, podcast or series.

For books this could also include a novelisation based on the ±«Óătv intellectual property of the programme, an official guide to the characters in a series or a factual book extending the audience understanding of a series such as history documentary strand. Novelty ±«Óătv programme-related materials such as sticker books or calendars will not qualify for a trail. If in doubt refer to Editorial Policy.

A publication should normally have the same title as the programme or series, or a title closely related to it. Where the title differs in any way, or includes a sub-title, advice should be sought from Editorial Policy as it is important that the book is clearly related to ±«Óătv output.

For the avoidance of doubt “masthead” publications may not be trailed. This means that if a ±«Óătv programme or series is based on a pre-existing book, the book may not be trailed on-air. In the case of literary adaptations the book may not be trailed on air, even if stills from the ±«Óătv drama production are used on the cover.

4.2 Books related to a range of ±«Óătv radio programmes or more generally to ±«Óătv radio output

In some cases it may be possible to trail a book related to more than one radio programme e.g. a history of ±«Óătv radio comedy or a history of a specific network channel, provided it is trailed after relevant current output. Any such trail must be expressly agreed with Fair Trading and Editorial Policy.

4.3 The Proms Guide

The Proms Guide is not a commercial publication and may be mentioned where editorially relevant within editorial output or programme junctions. Advice on this may be obtained from Head of Editorial Standards Audio and Music.

4.4 Audio Books

Audio books directly connected with radio output may be trailed under the same provisos as printed books as long as the audio book has been licensed, commissioned or developed directly by the ±«Óătv and the editorial content of the audio book has been overseen and signed off by the relevant executive producer. 

4.5 Audio Recordings of a programme or series

Audio recordings of programmes or series may be trailed when appropriate. (For the avoidance of doubt, such audio recordings could include compilations of clips from various programmes in a series).

These recordings may also include a minority of additional material, which was not broadcast as part of the original transmission. Any such extra material must also comply with guidance on additional material on products (which can be obtained from Editorial Policy).

4.6 Computer/digital formats

Educational ±«Óătv Programme-Related Material on computer/digital formats may be trailed if it is directly relevant to the programme/content after which it is trailed, i.e. it should have the same title as the programme/content and it must use the programme intellectual property (characters, scenarios etc.). In addition it must be designed to have a specific educational/learning purpose.

Entertainment games which have not been designed for a specifically educational purpose will not be trailed on air, (see also section 2 above).

4.7 Albums and Soundtracks  

Music soundtracks may be trailed if they are directly relevant to the preceding programme. They must have the same title as the programme or series; they must consist of the music of, or the music from, the programme, which may include the soundtrack of the series.

In certain circumstances the ±«Óătv may commission or co-produce special performances of musical events such as concerts, operas or ballets. In such cases it may be possible to trail a recording of that event after the programme/content which covers the event. Not all such ±«Óătv programme-related materials, however, will qualify for a trail. Reference must be made in advance to Editorial Policy before any trails can be granted.

On occasion Network Radio or Public Service Television channels may wish to produce an album or collection of downloads directly related to a particular programme or strand within a programme, or to the overall network station. In such cases referral must be made to the relevant Head of Editorial Standards and also to the relevant station controller or Channel Executive, Editorial Policy, Fair Trading and the relevant Head of CRBA must also be consulted. It must be clearly demonstrated that there is a justifiable editorial connection between the album/download and the programme, strand or station; for example a series of live sessions recorded specifically for performance on the ±«Óătv would qualify. There can be no element of “brand slapping”. If the editorial connection does not stand up to scrutiny the product will not be acceptable and cannot be trailed.

4.8 Charity Products

Where products have been specifically commissioned to raise funds for a ±«Óătv approved charity appeal campaign these may be trailed on air. Referral must be made in advance to the relevant Head of Editorial Standards and Editorial Policy. The relevant Head of CRBA should also be consulted.

Last updated December 2021

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