
The Creative Diversity Dialogue

Embracing the power conversation to create lasting change

Our actions now and in the future must not come at the cost of building an inclusive creative industry.
— Tony Hall, ±«Óãtv Director-General
Portrait of Masali Baduza who plays Sephy Hadley with Jack Rowan who plays Callum McGregor
Masali Baduza and Jack Rowan star in Noughts & Crosses

Celebrating International Diversity Day

celebrates the world’s cultures and the essential role dialogue has in achieving peace and stability. 

To mark this day in 2020, the ±«Óãtv Director-General Tony Hall and UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J Mohammed held to understand how to harness the power of inclusion during – and post – the coronavirus pandemic. They were joined by ±«Óãtv executives, renowned academics and thought leaders in the areas of diversity and Inclusion. 

The discussion examined the crucial role the creative industries have played in ensuring intercommunity conversations and understanding continued during the COVID-19 crisis. Live news coverage has given us up-to-the-minute information. New series like ‘Killing Eve’ have brought debate and conversation to social media. While moments like the ±«Óãtv’s ‘Big Night In’ brought communities and nations together when we had to be apart. 

This is the time to focus on our diversity and ensure inclusion in every step of our response and recovery from COVID-19.
— Amina J Mohammed, UN Deputy Secretary-General
Sandra Oh as the secret agent in Killing Eve slumped on the ground
Sandra Oh as the secret agent in Killing Eve

Where there has been innovative new content, there has also been closure of many productions. The impact has been stark on a 3m-strong workforce that is largely made up of freelancers. According to the OECD, the creative industry is one of the “most affected by the current crisis”.

The panel discussed what impact this loss of financial stability may have on a sector that brought the British economy more than £111bn in 2018. They delved into how the creative industry can continue to showcase our diverse world under unprecedented monetary pressures.

Questions were posed: How can we create adaptations such as ‘Noughts and Crosses’ that invited viewers to consider racial divisions? How can we produce ground-breaking programming like ‘Fleabag’ that embraces inclusive casting? How do we represent all voices so communities understand each other?

Leading the diversity conversation

  • "I am determined that the ±«Óãtv continues to lead the way on diversity and we are committed to working with experts and partners at the UN and LinkedIn to share insights and learn from one another."
  • ±«Óãtv Director of Creative Diversity
  • ±«Óãtv Group Managing Director
  • ±«Óãtv Director of Content
  • CEO, ±«Óãtv Studios
  • Miranda Wayland Head of Creative Diversity
  • "We need partners to help us reach everyone, everywhere at the same time with life-saving information and services and to protect jobs and livelihoods."
  • VP Global Diversity Inclusion & Belonging, LinkedIn
  • Founder, USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative
  • Founder & CEO Valuable 500
  • WPP UK Country Manager & GroupM UK CEO
  • Humanitarian and UN Sustainable Development Goal Advocate

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