World At One, Radio 4, 27 November 2023


A listener complained that a contributor to an item on pupil behaviour in schools was inaccurately described as a professor.  The complainant also said aspects of the item were not impartial because the contributor’s views were not adequately challenged, he being associated with an approach to behaviour management promoted by sections of the Conservative right.  The ECU considered whether the programme met the relevant standards for due accuracy and due impartiality set out in the Editorial Guidelines.


The ECU confirmed the contributor, Tom Bennett, is a Professor of Applied Sciences so the description was duly accurate and listeners were not misled about his academic credibility.  On reviewing the item, the ECU did not consider Professor Bennett was promoting a particular political agenda.  He was interviewed in his capacity as an independent behaviour adviser to the Department for Education and set out what he believed needed to be done to tackle poor pupil behaviour.  He did not express any political views so there was no requirement to challenge him in this regard.

Not upheld