The Context, ±«Óãtv News Channel, 16 January 2024


The programme included an interview with Quinn Mitchell, an American teenage political blogger whose questioning of Republican presidential candidates had elicited some adverse reactions from organisers of Republican events.  A viewer considered his inclusion to be evidence of bias against the Republican Party in general and Donald Trump in particular.  The ECU considered the complaint in the light of the ±«Óãtv’s editorial standards of impartiality.


The focus of the programme was on the likely outcome of the primaries and whether Donald Trump was assured of winning the Republican nomination.  That was discussed by Leigh Ann Caldwell of the Washington Post and Lord Darroch, the former UK ambassador to the US.  Mr Mitchell was questioned mostly about his experience as an enthusiastic young observer of US politics.  In the ECU’s judgment, given the focus of the programme and the context in which Mr Mitchell’s interview appeared, his inclusion was consistent with ±«Óãtv’s standards of impartiality.

Not upheld