News, ±«Óãtv News Channel, 17 December 2023


In an interview on the conflict in Gaza Professor Fawaz Gerges, an expert in international relations from the London School of Economics, claimed Pope Francis had twice described the war as a terrorism campaign. A viewer complained this was inaccurate and should have been challenged by the presenter. 


During the interview Professor Gerges spoke about what he considered to be a change in global diplomatic attitudes to the current conflict in the Middle East, citing growing calls for a ceasefire in Gaza. By way of evidence he made reference to comments from the Pope explaining

…and to mention just a critical point today. This is the second time that Pope Francis in Roma (sic) today, he called the Israeli war, it’s not just a war, it’s a terrorism campaign. It’s terrorist. So when the Pope, because two Christian civilians were killed today and seven were injured by Israeli fire, so whether this kind of convergence, global convergence of calls for a ceasefire produces results, I think it’s the beginning

This account of what the Pope said was not challenged by the presenter, but in the ECU’s view his interpretation was supported by contemporary media reports of the Pope’s remarks. In the context of a live interview it was not therefore necessary for the presenter to comment on the matter.

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