Charles III;The Coronation Year: ±«Óătv One, 26 December 2023


Thirteen viewers of this documentary complained of a lack of voices critical of the Monarchy or any reference to recent controversies involving the Royal Family. The ECU considered whether the programme met the requirements for due impartiality set out in the ±«Óătv Editorial Guidelines.


The guidelines describe a requirement for “dłÜ±đ” impartiality that is adequate and appropriate to the output, taking account of the subject and nature of the content, and the likely audience expectation. They make clear that impartiality does not necessarily require all perspectives or opinions to be covered in equal proportions either across our output as a whole, or within a single programme, and that it allows for programmes and other output to explore or report on specific aspects. 

In this case the programme was billed as focusing on events over a particular year reflecting the perspectives of the inner royal family, those closest to them, and those most closely involved in preparations for the coronation ceremony itself. The pre-publicity did not suggest the programme would include any wider debate around the concept of monarchy itself, or other controversies that have surrounded the British royal family over the years.

The ECU noted there was an editorial justification for the approach taken by the film in sharing these behind the scenes moments and personal testimonies, in the wake of a momentous event, and that other programmes elsewhere on the ±«Óătv reflected and reported on more controversial elements of the institution.

Not Upheld