Question Time Leaders' Special 2024, Nigel Farage, 28 June 2024

Summary of complaint

We received complaints from people who felt Fiona Bruce interrupted Nigel Farage too often, and that the audience were biased against him.

Our response

Just before Mr Farage’s questions started the Question Time host Fiona Bruce reminded him, “You’re here to answer questions from the audience, you know I’ll not interrupt you, that’s my aim, unless obviously you stray off the point or in fact if the question isn’t answered.” This was a similar reminder to the one given to Adrian Ramsay, leader of the Green Party, earlier in the programme and to the other four party leaders in a previous special edition of the programme.

After reviewing the programme we’re satisfied that Fiona only interrupted Mr Farage to bring him back to the question at hand, to clarify a point or to provide context to our audience. We’re satisfied Fiona treated all leaders fairly.

With regards to the audience, it made up of broadly similar levels of supporters of Reform UK and the Green party, with voters who intend to support other parties also included.

There were also a number of people, with a range of political views, who were still making up their mind.

Of course, given this is a programme driven by questions and comments by audience members, we have no way of predicting how the debate will develop or which issues will spark a reaction. The audience were asked in advance to submit what questions they would like to ask, and a question was then asked by an audience member from one of the most popular categories.
