Question Time Leaders' Special, Reform UK not represented, ±«Óãtv One, 20 June 2024

Summary of complaint

We received complaints from people unhappy that Nigel Farage, leader of Reform UK, was not included in the programme. 

Our response

The ±«Óãtv has been keeping its programme schedules under review during the general election campaign and last week we announced an additional Question Time Leaders’ Special, featuring representatives from Reform UK and the Green Party, which will be broadcast on Friday 28 June at 8pm on ±«Óãtv One.

This will follow the previous Question Time Leaders’ Special with representatives from the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats and the SNP.

This added programme reflects the fact that it is clear from across a broad range of opinion polls that the support for Reform UK has been growing.

As a public service broadcaster the ±«Óãtv recognises that the policies and proposals of the party deserve scrutiny at a time convenient for mass audiences.