
Morning Live VT inserts: opportunity for West Midlands and North East-based producers

Commissioning opportunity

Published: 5 October 2023

This opportunity has now closed


We’re seeking indies based in the West Midlands and the North East to produce 12 seven-minute VT inserts for our popular ±«Óãtv One daytime show Morning Live.

We’re looking for two producers with an existing substantive base in the North East and two producers with an existing substantive base in the West Midlands to produce three of these VT inserts each. The production of the VT inserts themselves must qualify as regional productions.

We'd like ideas with broad appeal that will work for a wide range of audience demographics and age groups. They should have a warm tone that feels relatable and inclusive, with contributors at their heart.

Content should be informative with purpose and a clear take-home for viewers. We’re interested in ideas with a topical peg, but it’s not essential.

The VTs should be positive and optimistic. This doesn’t mean difficult subjects can’t be tackled, but the approach should provide optimism. For example, cautionary tales can enable viewers to protect themselves from crime.

We’re open to suggestions for presenters – whether new or established - as well as VTs that don’t feature presenters. As ever, all proposals we receive must actively demonstrate how the idea will represent diversity in its broadest sense, both on and off-screen.

The VTs will be contracted on standard bespoke VT terms which the ±«Óãtv use to commission similar content for The One Show (including any bespoke deliverables, TBC).

The tariff is £11,000 per seven-minute VT film.

The deadline for submissions for this opportunity was Friday 3 November 2023.


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