
Factual entertainment development opportunity with ±«Óãtv Scotland, ±«Óãtv Content and Screen Scotland

This opportunity has now closed and initial responses will now be sent before 13 January 2024

Published: 8 November 2023


±«Óãtv Content, ±«Óãtv Scotland and Screen Scotland are seeking to co-fund the development of a returnable, talent-driven, factual format series of six parts or more with broad audience appeal.

We are seeking ideas from production companies located in Scotland. They must be creatively distinctive with strong Scottish portrayal in terms of location and voices, with talent that will resonate with both a Network audience and an audience in Scotland.

The brief

We’re looking for a returnable, talent driven factual format series of six parts or more with broad audience appeal.

Think populist and entertaining. We want programmes that invite everybody in, will attract a C2DE audience, and ideally offer a family co-viewing experience so we can entice younger viewers.

The concept should be returnable and a real treat in the schedule so we can grow a brand and an audience habit. Ideas need a strong story engine at their heart so there’s the potential to return at volume.

Think about how the idea can play in peak on ±«Óãtv One or Two, but also find a large audience on iPlayer. In an on-demand world programmes need to capture audience attention and have instantly recognisable originality, so they stand out in a really competitive environment. They need to work hard to catch the viewers eye - so don’t self-censor by thinking an idea isn’t ‘±«Óãtv’ enough. They also need to offer timeliness and speak to the now.

Think about what forms will give the audience a reason to keep watching in an on-demand environment, such as a narrative arc across a series like Amanda & Alan’s Italian Job. A familiar, instantly recognisable world where our talent is immersed also works well on iPlayer, for example Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing.

Our audience value easy to watch escapism, often set in distinctive worlds. These could be precincts that feel naturally pleasurable and relaxing, or those that are more thrilling and stimulating. Whether your idea is welcoming or exciting, humour and talkability is always a key ingredient of our best performing titles. Think about how your format can deliver funny, stand-out moments that are going to be shared on social media and make people want to recommend the show to friends.

We’re looking for portrayal of Scotland that feels modern and relatable to those who live there, but we’re also interested to hear how we can reimagine Scotland for a modern audience. What tropes and stereotypes could we challenge and subvert to find a new way in?

We want talent that are funny, down to earth, straight-talking and relatable, with entertaining Scottish portrayal that appeals to the broadest possible Network audience.

Ideas that work for us often have a generosity of spirit, warmth and real heart, but they needn’t be too soft, gentle or cosy. We like big characters and emotional stakes.

Please be mindful of the factual entertainment titles already on our slate and across unscripted. We’re unlikely to commission anything that sails too close to an existing brand.


We are seeking ideas from production companies with a substantive base in Scotland, that employ talent based in Scotland and where the majority of the production spend is in Scotland.

This opportunity is open to qualifying independent producers and non-qualifying independent producers (as defined by Ofcom) and ±«Óãtv Studios. Companies must meet the eligibility and spend criteria of .

The company should have a demonstrable track record in factual entertainment formats, a good understanding of the UK audience and how to reach viewers in a busy content market. We will also accept ideas from indies working together and we may also consider inviting companies to work together, where there is a good idea but a stronger track record is required.

Timeline, development funding and tariff

The deadline for ideas was Monday 11 December at 2pm.

Please note, initial responses will now be sent before 13 January 2024.

We will provide development funding for ideas we would like to progress further, to facilitate the creation of a more detailed proposal.

Levels of funded development will be dependent on the requirements to work up the idea and will be co-funded by the ±«Óãtv and Screen Scotland.

We anticipate this stage of development to run between January and March 2024. Should any ideas be commissioned we would seek to confirm this by May 2024 with production and delivery by January 2025.

The indicative tariff range is within high cost factual, up to £320k per hour. We are also open to discussions around third party funding.

Further information

Successful companies will be required to enter into a development agreement with the ±«Óãtv and a separate agreement with Screen Scotland.

Screen Scotland is entitled to recoup development funding and receive a share of company’s net profits from the exploitation of any subsequent commission. Screen Scotland takes security in the development work in the form of a 10% share of IP, which is reassigned to the company on repayment of the development funding.

Please submit a maximum of three top-line ideas to Sidra Khan via Pitch along with:

  • confirmation of Scottish substantive base including named Executive Producer
  • confirmation of eligibility under Screen Scotland’s Broadcast Content Fund
  • an outline of recent experience (in the past three years) of developing and delivering a factual entertainment formatted series to a UK public service broadcaster


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