
Apply now: In My Own Words series two commissioning opportunity

±«Óãtv Arts seek new single film ideas featuring leading cultural figures. Deadline 12 July

Published: 14 June 2024

Please note the deadline for this opportunity is 12 July 2024.


±«Óãtv Arts is looking to commission six 45-minute single films for the second series of In My Own Words on ±«Óãtv One. The strand features leading British cultural figures looking back at their life and career with intimate, unmediated first-person interviews mixed with archive and actuality, taking us closer to major arts figures than ever before.

We would expect films to feature unseen personal archive (both still and moving footage) combined with publicly available material to enable the subject to reflect on their life and output more deeply.

Subjects must be suitable for a broad and mainstream ±«Óãtv One audience with real cultural prestige. You’ll need to have genuine access to the talent/subject, and we’ll need to be confident that there’s a wealth of rich archive available before we commission.

We’re looking to work with directors with a proven track record creating contemporary, blue-chip and stylish films which stand the test of time and offer an intimacy and psychological revelation that brings new insight to their subject. We would expect to have a discussion with you about the choice of director before you commit to talent on your proposal, but please feel free to give suggestions if you have a particularly strong relationship with a brilliant director.

We’re looking for single down the lens interviews with the subjects and limited actuality filming. We do not need proposals to include multiple extra contributors, locations or format points.

Find out more about the artists featured in series one of In My Own Words on the .

How to pitch

The deadline for submissions is 12 July 2024 at 5pm.

Send ideas to Mark Bell via the PiCoS submission system with the title 'In My Own Words Series two'. Treatments should be no longer than two sides of A4. We would expect you to name your preferred director(s) in your pitch.

We will commission strategically across the strand, considering the mix of titles across a year. Where we have multiple ideas with the same subject, decisions with be based on the quality of access and approach.

Commissioning decisions will be communicated by the end of July.


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