Berry Smoothie Ice Lollies

You will need

  • 50g Strawberries
  • 50g Blueberries
  • 1 Banana, chopped
  • 200ml Low-fat yoghurt
  • Ice lolly moulds

MOTD Kickabout Dish Up - Berry Smoothie Ice Lollies

  • High in antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage
  • Good source of fibre
  • Full of Vitamin C, which can help heal wounds

Step 1

Place the berries, banana and yoghurt in a blender.

Step 2

Make sure the lid is on securely and blend the ingredients until smooth.

Step 3

Pour the mixture into your ice lolly moulds and freeze for at least 5 hours, but preferably overnight.

Top Tip

If your lollies stick to the moulds when you take them out of the freezer, rest them in a bowl of hot water for 30 seconds.

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