C±«Óãtv Buzz FAQ

What’s happening to the Buzz app?

The Buzz app closed on 4th February 2020. This means you are no longer able to participate and send in your content and the app no longer works.

The app will stay on your device, but you will no longer be able to open it. To uninstall and remove the app please delete it from your device.

When did the app stop working?

The app stopped working on 4th February 2020.

Why did the Buzz app close?

We are always reviewing the services we offer, to make sure we are providing the best for our audiences. After reviewing the Buzz app, we have made the difficult decision to close the app. It has been amazing seeing all the wonderful creations you have sent us. Thanks for taking part.

What do I need to do now the app is closed?

The Buzz app will now no longer open on your device so you may wish to delete/uninstall/ remove the app from your device.

What is the app like now?

The app will no longer work. You may wish to remove and delete the app from your device to free up space.

What about my personal information/data and content?

All personal information, data and content linked to your account will be removed from all the servers as soon as possible after the Buzz app’s closure on 4th February 2020. This is to protect your privacy and in line with Data Protection law.

Contact information

If you have any questions or need to get in touch please get your parent or guardian to email cbbcapps@bbc.co.uk

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