

Talk about Newsnight

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Prospects for Thursday, 22 May, 2008

  • Newsnight
  • 22 May 08, 10:28 AM

Today's output editor is Robert Morgan - here's his morning e-mail to the production team:

Good morning everyone,

There's quite a bit around today. The Crewe by-election is today. David and Vara are there. Oil prices have reached a record high. Ban Ki Moon is in Burma. Do come to the morning meeting with ideas on how to do these or other stories.

Steve Smith has been to Cannes to witness the screening of his Newsnight film on "the Picasso of South America" Fernando Botero. Should be good!

Playout thoughts welcome. See you in minute,



  • Comment number 1.

    I feel a little like the hound baying for blood but will it be too early to discuss how damaged Brown is when Crewe is lost?

    With the SNP 2010 referendum starting to press into strategic thinking is his being Scottish a benefit or a hindrance? In other words if hes got to go I would have thought there would be plenty of signatories to a move to unseat him. There must be discussions already.

    How about your "ex spin doctor" panel turning up to pick over the bones?

  • Comment number 2.


    By the time that Blair left office, it was more than apparent that he has some very strange psychology lurking in his basement (in line with predecessors). Brown has done us all a favour, in a way, by showing himself, immediately upon gaining office, to be very limited in human function (Asberger’s syndrome?) or very damaged in early years. What I would like to see investigated, is the dysfunctional ethos of Westminster and party politics, that quite clearly brings the WEIRD (with a nod to Grumpy Jon) to the fore, and to the top, in our governance. Surely, many are aware of the truth of it? Why, when we get led into crazy wars, barmy monetary situations, cuckoo educational gimmicks etc etc (too many to list) does Newsnight not deem this NEWS on a daily basis?

  • Comment number 3.


    Delete Asberger's above. Insert Asperger's.
    I can't even claim dyslecksia.

  • Comment number 4.

    As part of your coverage of Burma it would be interesting to know how the Burmese media operates. If television and the press operate as the propaganda arms of the state how does the military dictatorship manipulate the news? Does it use strongarm tactics or do the generals simply ensure that journalists sympathise with their aims and ideology?

  • Comment number 5.

    The limitations of the format are disquieting.

    If a moderator/presenter must pose, say, a maximum of five questions and accept thirty second sound bytes as responses, then one is left with only conjecture and inference.

    Is there not some middle way between this and the HARDTALK format?

  • Comment number 6.

    Why does Israel seek peace with Syria now?

    Is it necessary to neutralise Syria before attacking Iran?

    Is it to reduce Syria's reduction of assistance to Islamic resistance organizations?

  • Comment number 7.

    OIL PRICES AND THE OIL INDUSTRY: I have just caught the tail-end of a very good, factual, piece on ±«Óãtv-Radio-4 (the five o'clock programme), where the interviewee was the Editor of the UK Petroleum (??) industry magazine. Would the NewsNight team PLEASE do a similar piece - on the oil industry - upstream, downstream, refining, retail distribution, tax, etc etc etc -- so that we can even begin to understand what this means for us, and what is coming (rapidly) down the pike - in comparison with which, the Crewe and Nantwich gig will, once the dust on that has settled, look like background noise in comparison. Can NewsNight really get really real ?

  • Comment number 8.

    re-post 6.
    I'm sure that you're close to the truth Xie; the reasons are certainly part and parcel of the neo-con agenda. Syria might be felt to have few options in the face of Isael's two recent raids on Syria. These went more or less unremarked by the western media, and insofaras they were covered, were blamed on Syria. Naturally, the British Govt appeared to bearly notice these acts of war, in marked contrast to its attitude to Iran.

  • Comment number 9.


    Jacqui has still not realised that it is men who do violent crime. She continues to growl (in a highish register) her latest initiative (that damnable word) to address the works of bloke and bring them under her control.
    I wonder if Prof Winston might pay her a visit and tell her about men? Give Jacqui her due: she struggles girlfully to be hard nosed and in yer face, but the cleavage just won’t go away and her girly brain-wiring and lack of other strategic bits, simply rule out VISCERAL understanding of why young men are so well MALE!
    In fairness, it was Gordon’s idea to make her ±«Óãtv Secretary, and I am not too sure that HE has a full understanding of the significance of la difference either.

  • Comment number 10.

    Another nutty professor claims that income is an indicator of intelligence. The working class are irredemiably, genetically stupid he says, and therefore should be discouraged from taking up university space better exploited by those more gifted by Nature - the well-off middle classes. The working class are simply gentically inferior and should get used to it.
    Black people are disporportionately represented in the working class, so the good Doctor is also saying that they are genetically inferior too. That race is an indicator of intelligence, and that the superior races should be allowed to fulfill their genetic destiny and rule the earth. That the poor and racially inferior should leave the higher functions of society, requiring intellectual ability as measured by the infallible IQ method, to the white middle class descendants of Rhodes, Voerwerd and Jeffrey Archer.
    Maybe some intelligent hack at the Mail would like to phone up Dr Charlton and ask him to explain the inherent racism of his crackpot theory. Now that would be a true indicator of intelligence among the superior white middle classes at The Mail.

    Meanwhile, Britain continues to get drunker, and its drunks continue to get younger. The British seem unable to face the reality of life under Consumerism except through a thick alcohol haze. The Entire Soviet civil service had the same problem.

    "These rises paint a worrying picture about the relationship between the population and the bottle,"

    said Tim Straughan, chief executive of the NHS Information Centre.

    Meanwhile, Brent Crude hits $134 / barrel.
    Surely all these things can't be connected in any way.


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