

Talk about Newsnight

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Friday, 9 November, 2007 - part two

  • Newsnight
  • 9 Nov 07, 04:45 PM

From tonight's presenter :

Benazir Bhutto - from pariah to martyr...?

Benazir Bhutto is under house arrest. Politically, is that good news for her? And are we witnessing the beginning of the end for General Musharraf?

We can't hold back the tides - nor could King Canute - but could we at least stop so much building on flood plains storing up inevitable disasters in the future?

Liz MacKean is in Lincolnshire to find out why planning permission has been granted to high risk housing schemes.

iPhone hackers
The new iPhone is coming out at 18:02 tonight, and hackers are already working out how to unlock the expensive tie in contract with O2. With every new advance in IT and the web, an increasing number of "Geek Guerrillas" are liberating the technology to make it free for the consumer. Who are they and - apart from the obvious - what motivates them? Paul Mason finds out.

And don't forget that Newsnight Review will be live in New York. .

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  • 1.
  • At 04:52 PM on 09 Nov 2007,
  • Mike Constable wrote:

Your coverage on current events in Pakistan, Burma and even Georgia is very good. But do you have any plans to cover the threats to civil liberties in Venezuela?

Perhaps I'm being too much of a cynic but could you look into how real this surge 'threat' actually was?

And nothing about what's going on at Barclays?

  • 3.
  • At 05:49 PM on 09 Nov 2007,
  • Lilly Evans wrote:

I second looking at Barclays and checking up banking sector in general. They have made enormous profits in recent years, where has all that gone?

  • 4.
  • At 06:13 PM on 09 Nov 2007,
  • Nick Thornsby wrote:

I agree with the banks stuff- these places charge customers a fortune for very simple things and are still making a fortune by taking all that time to cash a cheque. I don't think any other companies could get away with such bad service. Well, apart from IKEA!

  • 5.
  • At 09:51 PM on 09 Nov 2007,
  • Sue Simons wrote:

Today is the anniversary of Kristallnacht (Night Of Burning Glass). The notorious night when in 1938, the Nazis desecrated and burned synagogues all over Germany. My mother spent that night, along with her parents' and sisters' in prison - just because she was Jewish. Her parents' and sisters' perished in Auschwitz. She, managed to escape to the UK, with the help of tireless workers, who offered to sponsor her by officering her a job in service. I wander how that would be viewed today.... Had the British and other western governments been more liberal, far more lives could have been saved.

  • 6.
  • At 11:04 PM on 09 Nov 2007,
  • v_equals wrote:

I watched the details about hacking the iPhone and the last coment worried me. How does unlocking the phone to be used on any network equate to people using the technology for free? By un-locking the phone (a phone that is already paid for) surely it will increase its usefullness and increase the scope of its use, the designers/inventers are not selling any less...in reality they will sell more.

  • 7.
  • At 12:52 AM on 10 Nov 2007,
  • Bob Goodall wrote:

Dear Newsnight

re the story about the Housing built on flood plains, perhaps a follow up story could look at who has provided the mortgages to pay for these properties and who has provided the insurance? How have these companies justified the risk they have taken, and who will be expected to pick up the pieces, if or when the area is flooded? The Government?

How should these risks be categorised on the companies balance sheets?

Can anyone think of an aquatic version of sub prime? bit late for me,

best wishes

  • 8.
  • At 08:58 AM on 10 Nov 2007,
  • steve wrote:

Sir, So the surge wasn't really a surge.....a bit like the terror threat, eh?

  • 9.
  • At 09:24 AM on 10 Nov 2007,
  • geek wrote:

i think newspnight is the best programme in the enitre world. What more could i want than a night in i
with jeremny paxman!!

  • 10.
  • At 09:41 PM on 10 Nov 2007,
  • edith crowther wrote:

Bob Goodall (no.7) -

Yes, can we have a whole item on this topic in the future?

Also to include, house rebuilding and house contents insurance costs, if any is available at all. In about 2003 the entire insurance industry withdrew insurance from council infrastructure projects (i.e. not housing) in the Wash, citing the Environment Agency flood map. Next, they withdrew or massively increased, insurance to domestic households in flood plains all around the country.

So the councils involved know the risk. Something fishy going on here.

Aquatic version of sub prime? Could sub marine mortgages be too obvious? Abandon Ship mortgages?
Really it is all too ridiculous. We should ask a comedian what to call them.

  • 11.
  • At 02:00 PM on 11 Nov 2007,
  • Owais Rajput wrote:

When we talk about global security then we cannot ignore Afghanistan, India, Kashmir and Pakistan. Current series of problems in that region always concern able to the West including Britain as more then three million population living in UK have strong ties with that region. I think to secure the world we should take innovative steps to bring peace in those countries on immediate priorities bases as without bringing peace and power sharing balance in that region, very difficult, in other words impossible to creates atmosphere of global village or peace on earth.
Western countries including Britain needs to balance power between Pakistan and India otherwise long term problems in the region and long term problems for West including United Kingdom. Western countries have to put pressure on India and on Pakistan to resolve the 60 years old ongoing unresolved issue of Kashmir according to Kashmiri citizens wishes as both nuclear powers don’t want to give up on issue of Kashmir. I think only solution to this conflict is a referendum with three options, not from Indians or Pakistanis, but from only actual owners of Land of Kashmir. (Kashmiris)
Problems in Afghanistan still big challengeable task to global security and I think only solution to Afghan problems is democratically elected government as only stable, strong government in Afghanistan can contribute to UN Security Council and can play positive part to bring peace on earth. Without support and help of Afghan grassroots fully elected Government impossible to create peace in Afghanistan and in other part of the world.
India wants to be future’s super power and Indian can play any card to get the dream in the reality as Indians waiting to declare them self super power after possible future conflict between Americans and Chinese. I think we the Western countries again play our part and balance the power sharing in that region between India and Pakistan so Both Nuclear power states are guarantees for us, I mean security in the West on our streets. We should keep both of them in the power balance including fair trade deals and economy growth. Industrial revolution can bring employment, peace and can reduce poverty in the region but again we have to provide chance to both countries to get out from poverty rather then we just concentrate on one country as now time changed and we have to see how we can secure our streets in UK and our community.
From last 60 years Pakistan always problem for the International community because of lack of true leadership, poverty, domestic violence, wrong foreign policies and mainly because of corruption on International level. Poor is poor and rich is richer and no middle class concept in country of Pakistan. When ever we talk about global security, Pakistan always question mark to International community. Why? Only answer to me to all these problems in Pakistan democratically elected strong government in Pakistan. No other form of governance in that piece of land can bring stability on earth. Grassroots should get powers to involve in future policy process.
Strong democratically elected Government with help and support of grassroots in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and three option referendum in Kashmir on priority bases (On future of Kashmiri Land) only practical and positive solutions I have in my mind to bring peace in that region and to International Community.

  • 12.
  • At 03:30 PM on 11 Nov 2007,
  • plh wrote:

"How does unlocking the phone to be used on any network equate to people using the technology for free?"

Presumably the locked iPhone is being sold cheaper than it would be if it were not locked. Of course that doesn't mean the motive to unlock it is (solely) price and Paul Mason's closing comment was inapt.

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