

Talk about Newsnight

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Critical security

  • Newsnight
  • 2 Jul 07, 02:10 PM

The UK security level is currently at its highest - 'critical' - following the three attempted car bomb attacks over the last few days.

Counter-terrorism experts are working on the assumption that the failed attacks are connected - at least ideologically - to al-Qaeda and recent intelligence has suggested jihadists were planning an attack in Britain.

So how do we deal with the threat of jihadis in this country? What do you think?

Comments  Post your comment

  • 1.
  • At 03:04 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Joanne Campbell wrote:

I would suggest that the families of anyone found guilty of terrorism be sent back to their country of origin. This should be made known before attacks are made and perhaps the attackers' family will have some influence over them. There should be no limit on how far the family extension spreads, going to first second and possibly third cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents etc.

  • 2.
  • At 03:05 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Gilbert Carswell wrote:

Early evidence suggests that those responsible for the LON & GLA attacks are not UK born and bred. Does this imply a weakness in the vetting of those coming here to study/work especially in our essential public services like the NHS ?

  • 3.
  • At 03:06 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • richard wrote:

I don't know what to do and it seems like no-one else does either. I say this quite seriously.

There is no immediate solution to this problem.

  • 4.
  • At 03:06 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Iain C wrote:

The PM asks us to be vigilent: as a nation we need to be far more suspicious and report observations to the police and let them be the judge of importance of low-level information. Information when put alongside other information becomes intelligence.

  • 5.
  • At 03:09 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • sajad wrote:

Where did they get the know how on this stuff and how could they escape all the cctv cameras that are at the airports already.
I'm proud to british and would give my life in it's defence but the Iraq and Afganistan wars have not helped at all. We gone down the American route of shoot first ask questions later and not thought through the after effects.

We heard all the analyst saying this would happen if we went into Iraq and it has done. What we can do bring the troops home and concentrate on the security of this country first.

  • 6.
  • At 03:09 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Colin Davies wrote:

The only way to settle the evils of the world is to win the hearts and minds of the moderate majority.For the ones that have been radicalised beyond any help we can afford, is something which may not be acceptable to any civilised society.

To deter terrorists we should have the option to punished those who support and protect them by taking away their assets and probably deporting them for not being loyal to the community.

I cannot think of a better way to deter suicide bombers and those who support and protect them.

  • 8.
  • At 03:13 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Akber Kassam wrote:

Terror can turn life to death, laughter to tears, and shared hopes to sorrow memories. It can turn a building to rubble, but it cannot change America's or Britain's determination.

It is not a form of political expression and certainly not a manifestation of religious faith. It is murder, plain and simple. And those who perperate it, finance it or otherwise support it, must be opposed by all decent people.!!!!

  • 9.
  • At 03:13 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Chris wrote:

We should all calm down a bit. Is this terrorism or performance art? I ask the question, because the attacks were laughable in their naivety and lack of sophistication or potential lethality.

If terrorism is "propaganda by deed", then this is not a problem for the attackers, because the resultant hysterical media coverage has achieved the propaganda element of the attack.

Its worth noting that of all the TV and radio coverage on this matter, only Mark Urban has had the common sense to point out that the fact that none of the attacks utilised high explosive (eith military, commercial or home made) is highly significant. Effectively, these terrorists have sought to attack their targets through the use of bonfires not bombs.

The question to be asked here is, why has a group of people put together such a naiive, hopeless and pointless series of attacks? Clearly the attackers in Glasgow were more than willing to die for their cause. Surely if they were willing to sacrifice themselves for a cause there was true AQ involvement, AQ would have at least told them how to make home-made explosive.

  • 10.
  • At 03:13 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Alan wrote:

I suggest we prosecute Bush and Blair for war crimes in Iraq. It was after all an illegal war entered into under fals pretences. No one has any problem with punishing the perpertartors of 9/11. But that is not what the war in Iraq was about. No wonder Muslims are upset. The war has merely given all the activists a rallying point and focus.

  • 11.
  • At 03:13 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Alan Davies wrote:

We have to work with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and other governments to reduce the impact of the madrassas (Islamic Schools). Regretably, the destruction of the tribal alliances across the Pak and Afgan borders, especially by ill considered and ill informed US activity has destroyed the Pakistan Tribal areas and allegiances. They will never come back, but we have to work with the war lords to destroy Al Qaeda influence. A tough job.

  • 12.
  • At 03:14 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • L Evans wrote:

Don't much see the point in this argument when our Government constantly fail, even when caught, to remove these people from our country, if they are born here to immigrant parents they should forfeit their right to be here. We need a change in the Human Rights Act so that our weakened Judiciary can deport anyone that does not want to live in a Western Culture and stop giving Muslims/Islam/jihadists so much air space. We are living in different times and outdated Human Rights laws need urgent revision. We should also issue a visa system for all those travelling to and from Pakistan which is where, it seems, most of these lunatics are being trained to kill and maim us.

  • 13.
  • At 03:17 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Fair Justice wrote:

as extremists are undertaking activites in which they have no regard for either their own lives or that of others and the potential number of casualties are very high ,the penalty for plotting and carrying out of terrorist activities should be death.

  • 14.
  • At 03:18 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • wrote:

If these incompetently executed attacks are representative of the terrorists we now face, I feel fairly safe.

It probably exposes a longer-term flaw in the suicide-bomber strategy, actually. After your first round of attacks, your best people are gone. Subsequent strikes are carried out by increasingly incompetent backbenchers. Blowing up your best and brightest just doesn't work over time.

  • 15.
  • At 03:18 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Diaspora Greek wrote:

Enough is enough...One of the fundamentals of the freedom is respect. It seems that some people dont respect their fellow citizens...Terrorism first and foremost shows the absolute disrespect for the value of life...Therefore...they negate the right for a peaceful life to all of us. Society must exclude them on the right they have to live a normal life

  • 16.
  • At 03:19 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • wrote:

Well, it's also important to note that nothing here actually worked. The standard of terrorist we are up against actually seems considerably lower then the IRA, or even the Real IRA. A terrorist who does not understand that petrol vapour explodes and liquid burns is really somewhat pitiful. Also note the lack of a separated cell structure, making rapid arrests possible.

It's still far more likely that I will die crossing the road, and indeed I'd imagine that health campaigns and road speed bumps save far more lives per pound then most anti-terrorism policing. It's just the deaths of the newsworthy.

See safety measures/death rates on planes and roads.


  • 17.
  • At 03:19 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Andrei Skvarsky wrote:

I would suggest that, for a while, people should avoid crowded spots and places like entertainment facilities such as large theatres and cinemas, big restaurants and supermarkets.

  • 18.
  • At 03:22 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Diaspora Greek wrote:

Enough is enough...One of the fundamentals of the freedom is respect. It seems that some people dont respect their fellow citizens...Terrorism first and foremost shows the absolute disrespect for the value of life...Therefore...they negate the right for a peaceful life to all of us. Society must exclude them on the right they have to live a normal life

  • 19.
  • At 03:25 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Chris Hills wrote:

We should deal with the threat of jihadis by tracking down the people who carried out the attacks, charging them, trying them, imprisoning them, AND by changing our foreign policy, which has done so much to make lots of people want to attack us.

We have recently invaded two Islamic countries, one of the invasions was probably illegal, and for many years we have supported Israel in their illegal occupation of Palestinian territories.

So we should withdraw our troops from Iraq and we must get a just settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. This will vastly reduce the number of people that want to attack us. But we should do it anyway because it's the right thing to do.

  • 20.
  • At 03:27 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Paul Holden wrote:

Easy. Shut down the "grievance industry" that is deliberately feeding the paranoia and sense of victimhood of the muslims in this country. We can start with the Hamas loving ±«Óãtv and the jokers in the MCB, then move on to Saudi funded imams in British mosques. Once muslims learn a sense of perspective maybe they will calm down a little and stop treating everone as enemies.

  • 21.
  • At 03:27 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • carole cilia wrote:

We need to pull out of the Iraq war and not have Tony Blair as an envoy for the middle east!

  • 22.
  • At 03:28 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Monty wrote:

I don't know how to deal with the problem but I can point up the inevitable consequence of increased security in those areas considered at the moment to be particularly vulnerable---- ie arports; aircraft; seaports; railtravel etc. When those 'hard' targets become too difficult we shall see attacks perpetrated on 'soft' targets such as streets; buses and workplaces.
Following such attacks we shall see the implementation of further but apparently necessary limitations on our civil and human rights. One of the problems with measuring the order of such restrictions is we cannot know to what degree the statutes thus brought about will be to cover the government's arse in the event of such atacks or to what degree they are genuinely needed.
This blog is nothing but bleak and I'm sorry.

  • 23.
  • At 03:28 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Alan Constable wrote:

Saturday is the 2nd anniversary of the 7/7 terrorist attacks. It is also the start of the world's biggest annual sporting event: the Tour de France. Thousands of people will be lining the streets of London to watch it. Millions more will be watching on TV. On Sunday the race goes from London, through Kent to finish in Canterbury. Thousands more (including me) will be watching. It would appear to be a prime target for terrorists. I can see no way of guarding against an attack.

  • 24.
  • At 03:28 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Noel Dobson wrote:

People involved in terrorism in any way at all should be apprehended and put out of commission for as long as it takes to ensure that they will be of no further danger to the people of this country or their way of life.

It is my opinion that there are like minded people 'sitting on the fence' whilst fully aware of what is happening. They should be reminded that in a situation such as we face now you are either with the British people or against us, sitting on the fence is not an option. The security services should arrest anyone that they suspect of knowing what was happening and not making their knowledge known. If subsequently the arrest proves to be wrong then anyone so arrested can be compensated. Unlike those that are burnt alive or blown up who will remain horribly injured or dead.

The only freedom we need to be sure about is to be fairly treated in any resulting circumstance that we may get caught up in as a result of this terrorism.

  • 25.
  • At 03:32 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • mulder franck wrote:

Actually, the police do her job very well. Many suspects are already arrested and questioned, and people don't panic. Everybody must be concerned by the threat of jihadis. If you see something suspicious, please inform the police.
However, we do not confuse the terrorists with such and such ethnic community.
Don't forget that the victory against terrorism win at the policy level.

  • 26.
  • At 03:33 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Ian Mc Kinnon wrote:

I ask myself why, one god, one planet, one world, is there so much hate for us the British people. The innocent bystanders, that by killing innocent adults and children is going to make us live in fear. Our people from all walks of life and religions, fought and died on forigen fields in two world wars to give the world freedom and yet whoever you are and of what ever religion, you want to kill people who are innocent people going about their business and will be from all walks of life and religion, is this what your god tells you, I relly dont think so, so why do it.

  • 27.
  • At 03:33 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • wrote:

Looking at these details I cannot understand why rather than being thankful terrorists hate west.

a. West is their biggest buyers of oil.

b. West is their biggest supplier of important items such as electrical products,medicines, cars, etc.

c. Public from west boost their economy and jobs in Islamic countries through tourism trade.

d. West allow many Muslims thrive in their countries.

e. West helped to remove killer Sadam when no one else was offering this help to suffering Iraqis.

f. Government and public from the west give maximum help and funds to victims of natural disaster in any country in the world.

Why is it not obvious to terrorists that Mother Nature has only gifted us humans’ intelligence and ability to give each other helping hand to each other to make this world a better place for us and our future generations?

  • 28.
  • At 03:40 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • b.n.dasroor wrote:

Remembering how people reacted to daily bombings during world war II, you must get to ' business as usual ' after each terrorist threat or attack. Learn this also from people in Mumbai which bounces back to normal within hours. This frustrates the terrorists to an unimaginable degree because it defeats their very purpose of creating panic.
Media will have to change their mindset and keep the news related to terrorist threats in a low key, while allowing those in uniform to concentrate on their jobs without wasting their time on press briefings...b.n.dastoor (India)

  • 29.
  • At 03:41 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • de castro wrote:

Get our troopps hell out of IRAQ IRAN ARABIALAND et al and let "united nations" alias "united states" get on with their "peace keeping"

We (taxpayers) cannot afford it !


  • 30.
  • At 03:41 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • eee aarrrgh donkey wrote:

Ban all religions, its a bold proposal i know but really, when you think of it, what are the alternatives to this growing problem...well i have a couple but they are to radical for the over sensitive, appeasement to certain religious groups seem to be the order of the day from our governing elite, and some media corporations wont allow for debate, certainly from the political right as it will always go against the grain of the doctrine of the media's natural left leaning stance, its a tough one to give solutions to without upsetting many on the left, including the ±«Óãtv..

  • 31.
  • At 03:42 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • wrote:

we should never be provocative and at no time place ourselves higher.

It was in my view very incensative to honor Salman Rushdie. Anyone could predict that this would again upset most of the middle East.

And why was this done? What makes this man so special.

regards Aleida Brinkman

  • 32.
  • At 03:44 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Anne Hughes wrote:

I understand that the Intelligence/Police complex has a database of those thought to be a security threat. It would be interesting to know whether these recently arrested were on that database. If not it throws the effectiveness of present surveillance into question.

  • 33.
  • At 03:45 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • T. Reid wrote:

It's about education in the Muslim community. It is fundamental to work with the Muslim Council of Great Britain to educate from grass roots and look at which high profile people Muslim people admire to project what is needed. It astonishes me that these people, many of whom are brought up in a British culture of opportunity, democracy and progression want to inflict damage on the very country that has welcomed them and given them this opportunity. Britain gives them an education, provides a welfare state and led them to increase their quality of life, marketdly different to their families original country of origin. We need a sense of unity not divisions in our society.

  • 34.
  • At 03:47 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • wrote:

Looking at these details I cannot understand why rather than being thankful terrorists hate west.

a. West is their biggest buyers of oil.

b. West is their biggest supplier of important items such as electrical products,medicines, cars, etc.

c. Public from west boost their economy and jobs in Islamic countries through tourism trade.

d. West allow many Muslims thrive in their countries.

e. West helped to remove killer Sadam when no one else was offering this help to suffering Iraqis.

f. Government and public from the west give maximum help and funds to victims of natural disaster in any country in the world.

Why is it not obvious to terrorists that Mother Nature has only gifted us humans’ intelligence and ability to give each other helping hand to each other to make this world a better place for us and our future generations?

  • 35.
  • At 03:47 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Paula Varley wrote:

Perhaps we might try not inadverently conferring glamour by designating acts of criminal intent as "jihadi terrorism". The indiscriminate slaughter of civilians is no great act of self sacrifice or struggle. It is a crime and should be classified as such. Stop re-running the same clips of one burning vehicle over and over again. It makes the act seem more significant a threat than it is. One flaming jeep - or even one flaming jeep and a couple of mercedes packed with gas cylinders - needs the media megaphone to terrorise a whole nation. We need to be informed - sure, but saturation news coverage can whip up a climate of terror.

People who seek to cause random death and devastation should be treated as the criminals they are, irrespective of any ideological motives. Most of us strongly oppose our government's foreign policy and the war in Iraq. Attacking civilians here will not help civilians in the Middle East.

We need to encourage the integration of all communities in our country. There is a great deal of excellent work going on to this end already. Expanding this should be prioritised, and given all necessary resources.

Routine police checks at high profile locations, and high levels of police presence on the streets will help in the short term, and remind us all to be alert.

  • 36.
  • At 03:48 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • wrote:

"violence begets violence". Why must the U.S. continue to be the bully. I was born March 21,1941 before Pearl Harbor, five of my uncles went off to Word War II. Uncle Pat never did return. Late 50's I went in the peace time U.S. Marine Corps, I came back. From the 60's "make love not war". During Viet Nam, I flew caskets around Midwest, delivering caskets of human remains, back to loved ones. War is ugly, it is painful. I have seen far to many tears shed, presented flags that don't fill the void of a loved one. My brother went to Viet Nam 2 tours, he is now on full oxygen from agent orange. George W. Bush, commander in chief " we the people" want peace, George W. Bush, resign so we don't have to go to the expense to impeach you. Peace be with You. Tim Nolan ,July 2,2007

  • 37.
  • At 03:49 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Peter Bonnar wrote:

Well, for starters - the two bungled attempts at car-bombing in London and Glasgow will give a wealth of information to the investigators about how these networks operate and who is pulling the strings -and more importantly these recent events will be a real setback for Al-Quaeda in the UK. Furthermore - no innocent lives have been lost. So, for sure an embarrassing body blow to the terrorists. How to deal with Jihadists? Leave no stone unturned. Don't give them the chance to impose fear. Crackdown on extremism. They are losing the battle already.

  • 38.
  • At 03:54 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Richard Roe wrote:

I guess Lord Ahmed has been pressing Newsnight in the last few days to give him air time so that he can condemn the recent attempted bombings. I recall that I saw him a number of times on the ±«Óãtv after it was announced that Rushdie was to be knighted.

I'm sure Lord Ahmed thinks attempted murder in the name of Allah a much greater offence against the Merciful One that writing a book. Can I assume that Newsnight's failure to have him on the programme is a blatant example of anti-muslim prejudice?

  • 39.
  • At 03:55 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • nick ruddock wrote:

Brown's Sunday platitude, "we will not 'Yield'". How quaint! How 1950s'!
How; 'drop your guns or we'll shoot'.
These people are 'playing' for keeps. Get serious! We are not asked to yield - we are literally and metaphorically being told to 'burn in hell', because that is where infidel people/nations are sent for attacking the brotherhood of Islam. And we are in their eyes, inflicting pain on them. Also in the eyes of probably a majority of British 'viewers'. Lets face it the whole mission was ill concieved; Iraq was obviously going to be a fiasco; (if you watched those Channel4 news stories prior to the War, where Kalashnikovs were being openly sold on the street/and where the Americans allowed looting of the Saddam Regimes offices, Palaces, Museums/and where the Americans allowed or failed to secure the explosive and arms caches.) I was brought up a Quaker. I am not a believer. But I might feel proprietorial/and sentimental about a bunch of "Rambos" claiming them as hostages and killing some. Indeed it sort of happened with the Armish Parish that suffered children being slaughtered. They were saintly.
So it may not be the cowardly route, or the yielding route if we got out of Iraq now; perhaps its just the decent thing.
As for the USA, Al Queda/Taliban did attack their homeland 11/9/01; but the US seems always trying to pick a fight surreptitiously. perhaps we should leave them all alone and repatriate foreigners to their own original country unless it can be shown the immigrants have made economic, academic, social-community integrative progress after five years. I live under deep cover, well no, but I do live as a European minority. Much under, unemployment, and although most of them seem nice; they certainly dream, as does the the Muslim Parliament, of turning Britain into an Islamic State, and are working towards it. Oil and Water can truly mix

  • 40.
  • At 04:01 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • S.Nizam Uddin Ashraf wrote:

UK is not the only country. Muslim countries are worst sufferers at the hand of these criminals who have no sense of human values and have been brain washed by enemies of society. Publicity given by the media is oxygen for them. I apeal to UK police to examine the minestest details inluding political and other causes and give their suggestion to the Government in order to get rid of ths menance.

  • 41.
  • At 04:04 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Willy Van Damme wrote:

First be carefull about who is behind these things. It's not always what it is you see in the world of secret services and likewise organisations. Secondly you can't expect the Arabs and Muslims to accept without fighting back the interference in their region by military and other means of the UK. Britain bombs Iraq and Afghanistan, it treatens Iran and tries to subvert other governments over there. So sometimes these people strike back. And innocents get killed in Iraq and in Britain. So start treating the Arab world as equals and try to come to an underststanding. Look when the British governments started treating Nationalists and Catholics in Northen Ireland as people with the same rights as others, the IRA was willing to talk peace. So mayby Gordon Brown has some talking to do. Not with the US bully but with friends eastwards.

  • 42.
  • At 04:10 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Thomas Murphy wrote:

I find it utterly bizarre that although all "jihadist" terrorist attacks are made against members of the general public, special protection, in the form of Special Branch protection officers and armoured cars, is given only to former ministers and members of the Royal family, against whom no specific attacks have been perpetrated. It is generally accepted that the actions of Mr Blair's administration in particular have acted as a recruiting serjeant for jihadists and as such might, were he to have been a serving member of the Armed Forces,
be regarded as a "self inflicted injury" deserving of a court martial, not enhanced protection.

  • 43.
  • At 04:10 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • bill millar wrote:

Give them what they want now.It will save a lot of lives and destruction of property. I grew up all my adult life with the " TROUBLES " in Northern Ireland.In the end the terrorists got what they wanted because the peaceful,law abiding people of the province,just got worn down by the constant barrage on thier everyday lives that they settled on peace,whatever the cost.

  • 44.
  • At 04:11 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • David Smith wrote:

What worries me the most about this issue is that we now have millions of muslims living in our country.

There has never been a firm message from the muslim comunities, muslim organisations or mosques to denounce these suicide bombers as evil, acting against God (or Allah) and most certainly not earning for themselves a place in paradise.

The best we hear is stock 'spin' about feeling sympathy for those injured and the families of those killed, that it is very sad that innocent lives are lost etc.

  • 45.
  • At 04:19 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • larry lynch wrote:

It's only a matter of time before violent Islamists now afflicting the UK will be coming to the USA. I hope the USA's ±«Óãtvland Security types observe & use any & all preventive & recovery technichs the UK's civil authorities find to be useful.

  • 46.
  • At 04:25 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Barry8 wrote:

Embrace the Islamic community to outlaw offending Islamic criminals.
There should be no room whatsover for
offenders but instant repat to the parent countries. Possible ill treatment there is not the concern of this country not should it be. Neither for so called human rights legal people. Its the victims who pay the bills! The government has seen to fail any immigration rules.
Business managers have been more concerned with low wages than the care of our community.±«Óãtv Office musical chairs is no help at all.
A ball and chain is a better idea than boastful asbos.

  • 47.
  • At 04:26 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Charles ~Knight wrote:

The soulution is quite simple.
We should simply require all peoples who are not British Citizens to obtain a visa to enter and equally important to exit The United Kingdom.

This is extremely sensible. I have just returned from The Russian Federation, where to this day everything is done fficially. Their Authorities know exactly who is in their country, who wishes to enter and who has left. Including their own citizens of course to an extent as well, I presume. SO visas for each and every Alien (I refuse to apologise for using this English word in context)without any exception thus no exemptions, no problems.

(I suppose this means that we would have to leave the Europena Union, which would be the most sensible and productive, liberating action for The First Lord of The treasury to do, in any event.)

  • 48.
  • At 04:27 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • wrote:

We now see the truth of the "Stern but Fair" counter-terrorism measures brought in by this knee-jerk, spin-obsessed, Euro-kowtowing, ultra-liberal Government which has been in place for the last ten years!

Lets see a tough border control in place, then set up a new "Internment Centre" and get busy mopping all the clowns who are at present being 'monitored' by the Security Services; get rid of the useless European Human Rights garbage, and then we might be able to defend ourselves against a pack of muslim fanatics who are intent on destroying our way of life!

  • 49.
  • At 04:31 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • cosmosis wrote:

Surely that left-wing bugbear and Cassandra of the '60s had a point, to wit Enoch Powell! Is it not time to bite the bullet in the UK to encourage and even cajole the integration of the Muslim community into the mainstream way of English/British life. It seems to me, on my infrequent visits to the UK, there is increasing disquiet by the British public at large to a parallel society growing in concentrated ghettoes in their midst, whose inhabitants appear mainly devoid of their UK national mores and values, with some quite content and unwilling to even acquire the basics of the language. Often I am quoted "When did we ever vote for a policy of multiculturism ?" The English/ British value of tolerance to eccentricity and otherness has allowed a festering sore to slowly creep into the land. Either the "British" imams, mullahs, civic leaders and head of every Islamic household must soon decide to vociferously and visibly excise the small deluded minority in their midst, whom are intent on destroying the national way of life and creating mayhem to bring about their global Caliphate or, God forbid, a pogrom could be unleashed by the usually tolerant majority British public, whom, once stirred up, could bring a level of violence onto the streets, not seen since the Civil War, indiscriminately laying into these strangers in their midst, in which I fear the innocent but seemingly complicit Muslim majority will be tarred with the same brush. One cannot keep poking a stick into a hornet's nest without consequences ! Regrettably, this is the very argument the global jihadists are using to justify their own actions... Consequently, is ethnic violence on the streets of the UK becoming inevitable ? Will the community that fosters or even just tolerates (by acts of ommission) the thinking of the extreme jihadists in their midst allow their deluded ones to create a self fulfilling prophecy of victimisation

  • 50.
  • At 04:47 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Tom W wrote:

Your opinions are fulfilled with emotional load. As a foreigner I believe, British Government wouldn't have been able to get rid of 'problem' without force solutions at this moment. It's too late for it. There is only one way to keep it calm, just threat them like any other minority. Terrorists are determined so these attacks will happen in future. Do You see any conjunctions? Rather 'clear ideology' I suppose. Which tools would You use to destroy the hatred?... Regards

  • 51.
  • At 04:52 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Alan Taylor wrote:

Seems fairly obvious. They are protesting against what they see as attacks on their way of life. Remedy?
1. American & British troops get out of Iraq
2. Western troops get out of Afghanistan
3. Release or openly try the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay.
4. Smack Rushdie's wrists.

  • 52.
  • At 04:53 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • john hodder wrote:

I haven't yet seen one senior Muslim leader give a statement deploring these attacks - they 'bang on' about the political leadership - where is theirs? It seems to be all take and no give -until they give active leadership and encouragemnt to the vast majority of peaceful Muslims it will appear to the UK public that they are complacent about this evil in our midst whichy will do nothing but harm to what is becoming a 'strained relationship'.......

  • 53.
  • At 04:57 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Mike wrote:

Have you been to a Tiger Tiger bar? Or seen holidaymakers at Glasgow Airport? The mind boggles at what the terrorists were trying to prove. Attacking the drunk and underdressed and / or the white and pastie off to get sunburned is surely a tad ridiculous rather than threatening our life style. (Hardly nuclear powerstations folks) The highlight of the coverage so far has been a Glaswegian tough-as-nails airport worker explaining how he helped Police tackle the jeep's passenger blindly throwing ineffective punches while he burned himself to a crisp. If anything I'm reassured we're not facing the brightest of enemies.

  • 54.
  • At 04:59 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • William Nation wrote:

A lot of talk about immigrants and sending people home which doesnt really help. But we could seriously improve airport security by instituting a screening process at an outside holding area where the only people allowed into the perimeter are airport staff with passes or passengers with confirmed tickets. Passengers would either have to drive themselves (and park) or go by a recognised taxi that is authorised or be bused in and out, or use trains etc where these are available. No one other than the passenger travelling should be allowed into the terminal area. It really would not be that difficult to institute this and this would also stop all the endless hangers-on that clog up the terminal buildings.

  • 55.
  • At 05:23 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Anne wrote:

Tony Bliar - destruction of Iraq - terrorists attack Britain!!!!!!

Tony's response - join and support a diamatrically opposed religious group (Catholic)!!!!!

Well, we did vote for him.

  • 56.
  • At 05:43 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Jim wrote:

Threat? What threat?

A couple of farcically bungled attempts at starting a bit of a fire and the media, led by Antie Beeb go all Clive Dunn. "Don't panic Mr Mainwaring."

In turn this provokes the non-thinking knee jerkers, as witnessed above, to call for just the sort of illiberal curtailments of liberty the politicians are having wet dreams over.

  • 57.
  • At 05:55 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Barry Bawtree wrote:

It would seem that ex prime minister Blair is being sent into the thick of the real problem. The activities of the 'extremists' in Britain is a knock on from a situation created years ago when part of Palestine was settled with itinerant Jews. This produced two problems:
First; a nation, Palestine, was piece by piece deprived of its territory and its people dispersed throughout the world or left incarcerated for generations in so called 'refugee camps'.
Second; the growing state of Israel increased in economic stature with considerable support, of both financial and people assets, given by the USA government and the Jewish people in the USA which has put a relatively rich, fundamentally 'western' civilisation in the midst of a poor,very 'middle eastern' civilisation.
Once the friction between the states of Palestine and Israel disappears and the USA backs off from its 'crusade' [a '?freuden'slip by Bush in one of his speechs]for democracy; the insurgents will lose their main greivance and the extremists will find another banner to fight under.
Good luck to Mr. Blair, it needs a bold statesman to take the world down the path of peace particularly when he was party to the upset which began in Iraq and diverted the energies of the USA + UK from snuffing out the activities of Al Quaida which spawned the internal security problems of all nations today.
The internal security problems in UK will be impossible to control until the extremists no longer feel they have a grievance in their countries of origin.
It would also help if these extemists were not constantly referred to as Islamists - we've been through the crusades in early Christendom,the activies against the Cathars, the Inquisition by the Catholic church,the expulsion of the Hugenots from France, the 'troubles' in Northern Ireland which spilled on to the mainland etc. etc.
There is a large role to played by our 'Church' elders of all denominations to work together to help communities to live in peace throughout the world and to bury the extremes of 'missionary' activities; not least those of a Jewish and Moslem persuasion.
There you have it: no easy solution but a great deal of selfless effort needed by all our leaders nationally and worldwide

  • 58.
  • At 05:59 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Brian Kelly wrote:

You deal with it by discussion...no holds barred ...all options on the Table....tell it the way it is!
Not as our New ±«Óãtv Sec' was espousing in the Commons today...N L, still in denial,not wishing to articulate that within the Muslim communities ,there is a small minority of idealist fanatics following their perceived Islamic faith..a minority maybe, but nevertheless,suicidely deadly.... whatever we say to dodge these issues, however unsavoury...THEIR (as 7/7 bombers stated post mortem)reasons are our Foreign Policies.
Do not remember skirting around Roman Catholics to accuse IRA terrorists who were killing for Political aspirations.

  • 59.
  • At 06:07 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • John Schofield wrote:

This is *not* an attempt to be dramatic ! I seriously think that we are engaged in what might well be called World War 3. Yes - targets may seem to be 'the Western way of life' as symbolised by noisy night-clubs, etc. But, believe it or not, I think we hve been hoodwinked on many fronts,not least of which is what I choose to call the war of attrition in Iraq and the 'odds-against-us' campaign in Afghanistan.

Also, it's evident that we're not dealing with 'disaffected youth'as a simple category, but with what seems uncommonly like an effort to destabilize us and our institutions by any means. Hardly an exaggeration to suggest that there are those who want to set up the Caliphate again.

We have heard of the need to emphasize Britishness,; but this has come very late in the day, with as many as one in ten of our population having been born overseas. (I don't want to make too much of that point; but I am reminded of the much-maligned Enoch Powell, whose 'rivers of blood' speech didn't resonate with people in his day as a reference associated with Classical literature.

Every mosque and every community of Asian background should be morally committed to rooting out extremism.

And we need plenty of competent and trustworthy Arabists and Pashtun speakers - not to mention beefed-up armor for our troops. The curse of the Afghan poppy is well-rooted among us in the quantity of cocaine available. That puts us all on the front line, subject to bomb-blast and the sapping of our real vitality by the huge influx of illicit drugs.

When the Prince said at the Diana Memorial Concert "Stay safe", I have to say I responded with a hollow laugh !

A few - tragically few - brave men and women do seemingly miraculous things to save the hides of the rest of us !

  • 60.
  • At 06:41 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • scott heatherley wrote:

threatened internment anyone? if it saves just one life it'll have been worth it, but then again, we're too scared of them.

  • 61.
  • At 06:44 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Ian Haritakis wrote:

Firstly, make urgent and efficient moves to integrate the immigrant into the British way of life.
Secondly, non- British persons on a long stay or work permit should be subjected to controls, just as I had to have, in 1966, when as a white South African, under a Labour Govt. of Harold Wilson, I had a Registration Certicate, with a photo which forced me to declare to the Police, every change of address, under the Aliens Act of 1951, I think it was.
Every time I changed my bedsitter, an unknown concept of accommodoation to one from the land of plenty, I had to pop over to the nearest Police station, show my landlord's Rent Book and have now new address inserted in the little booklet form of the Registration Certificate. The Police were always cheerful and courteous, and the process took a minute or two.
This meant that the ±«Óãtv Office knew every move I had made when I arrived in the "Mother country "to seek fame and fortune. To which comment I would add that my mother fought with the British in the Battle of Crete and earned herself a George Medal commendation, and her two brothers, born in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) signed up as volunteers up to fight for England. I never felt I was being singled out because of my South African nationality. Each country is entitled to keep aliens in check. My family live in Switzerland, for 40 years and what a regimented country that is!
So my message to Mr Brown, is "Take control" Democracy needs a firm hand to protect her!

  • 62.
  • At 07:28 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Phil Knox wrote:

We should confront this head on and stop saying that terrorists are from every background and religion.

The threat comes from Islamic Terrorists. If the majority of the British Islamic community are non violent and peace loving ,then they should inform on them,and put them in the spotlight for the police to deal with.

I can think of many things i don,t agree with in Britain today, but I dont make my point by bombing and the killing of innocent people.

  • 63.
  • At 07:29 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • angie wrote:

I think that any known activist plus his/her family should be sent back to their country of origin without further ado. They don't like the Western way of life, they don't need to live it! Goodbye and fare thee well.

  • 64.
  • At 07:56 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Nigel Perry wrote:

A great deal can be done (and is being done) by our security services. We can multiply the effectiveness of those agencies by being vigilant and by reporting matters of interest. More importantly, we can remind the bombers that from our point of view all they are doing is to make the news more interesting.

  • 65.
  • At 08:14 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Greg Matthews wrote:


Well, I think that just about sums up the EBGB News 24's coverage over the past couple of days.

Here's what I recommend:
• Investigate the crime
• Arrest and charge those people involved
• Tidy up the mess/damage they've caused
• Get on with our daily lives as usual

...or have we all forgotten what it is to be British?

  • 66.
  • At 08:31 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • hercy nieva wrote:

We can talk till the cows come home, but the fact of the matter is, we would not be able to appease the Muslim community. From Thailand, to Spain, to Paris, the Philippines, Darfur, London, 9/11, the partition of India, etc. were all cause by the muslims. Get used to it.

  • 67.
  • At 08:45 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Andy Waters - Newcastle wrote:

On the assumption that the perpetrators of these attacks do turn out to be foreigners (including an Iraqi, which I'd have thought ought to have had alarm bells ringing anyway), then we are going to have to get control of our borders. It won't be perfect, and won't solve the problem on its own, but it's a start.

I am aware that won't prevent those already in the country from getting up to no good, but at least it will help restrict any more getting in. If that means upsetting the "do-gooders" and withdrawing from the European Convention on Human Rights, then so be it. We managed to have rights in the UK long before that convention came in after the Second World War, and I'm confident we shall manage nicely again.

Of course I know that most Muslims are decent, law abiding people. But they need to speak out more to drown out the voices of the extremists. Those who fear offending "the Muslim community" should realise that the time for pussy-footing around is over. This is a matter for the kingdom as a whole, not for any community. I begin to tire of the [unelected] representatives of one particularly community being elevated to positions of importance. We don't appear to treat other "communities" in the same way. That is why we elect politicians to represent us (regardless of our views on their effectiveness). In any event, it would probably reduce tensions with the majority if there was less apparent special treatment of certain individuals and communities.

It may well be the case that these terrorists are protesting at our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, but are people seriously suggesting we allow our foreign policy (regardless of our views upon the policy itself) to be dictated by these nut cases? In any event, as I have heard mentioned before, 9/11 and other attacks came long before the invasion of Afghanistan (which was of course done with international support if I recall correctly) or Iraq.

  • 68.
  • At 09:05 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Matt Dyer wrote:

I am afraid that this problem has been allowed to fester for twenty years - Too Long.It will probably continue for at least two generations. I don't think that there is an thing we can do, which is not already being done.
If the government inpose tougher laws, then the Civil Liberty Brigade start jumping up and down, So it's a no win situation.Perhaps GB needs to buy a few more prision ships?

  • 69.
  • At 09:09 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Robert Jones wrote:

The only way to stop the attacks on Britain is, for starters, to get British troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. The longer this country continues murdering innocent Iraqis and Afghanis the more it will be a target. The British government is responsible for the car bombs.

  • 70.
  • At 09:17 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Flatroofer wrote:

It is a battle between God and Saturn. I've read the book, GOD won.

  • 71.
  • At 09:30 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Edith Trembath wrote:

Ever since the honours list was printed I have wondered who was the bright spark who put Salman Rushdie`s name forward for the highest of honours this year?

Surely someone somewhere could see the plain idiocy of giving Salman Rushdie a knighthood. After goodness knows how many years of police protection which the government thought essential because of the inflamatory content of his Satanic Verses ,(and for which the tax payers have had to foot the bill )someone somewhere put his name forward for an honour.May I ask why is he deserving of the highest honour given?Surely even the weakest mind could see that by doing this his name and the contents of his book have been brought into the "public "eye again. Who was the bright spark who decided to make him a Sir ?.I would like to know ,but each time I ask for his or her name I get no response ! ! !

On the other hand the new Sir could have used his brains and thanked the country for the honour but refused to accept , but no response from that quarter .

When will our government waken up to what is right and what is wrong?Let us hope that our new leader will make England a better and safer place to live in.And let Tony stay out of our way doing good deeds in the middle East.....

  • 72.
  • At 09:36 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • D.Winter wrote:

The action of the muslim terrorists takes me back to my school days just after W.W.2. The male teachers who had been away fighting the war were returning to the schools again.
One of these teachers was taking us for a lesson in current affairs when he was asked his oppinion of the future of the middle east where he was stationed.His answer was very prophetic. He said that the next big war would be against the islamic community as thier intention was to take over and rule the world by islamic indoctrination. Non believers were to be put to the sword as they were pigs and infidals.
Everything he toild us woul;d happen is now happening. I am surprised it has taken so long.
If there is a moderate section of islam where is it? the so called moderates are doing nothing to stop the terrorists.
Wake up politicians and do your duty to defend us.

  • 73.
  • At 11:09 PM on 02 Jul 2007,

the uk govt should not have approved the war in iraq. i believed iraq and the crises between isreal and palestine is responsible for the latest threat to peace and freedom in the west uk in particular
oliver from jos, nigeria.

  • 74.
  • At 11:49 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Kenneth wrote:

The first step in dealing with the Jihadi threat is to cut out all the "stiff upper lip" nonsense, realise that we are under attack by a ruthless and fanatical enemy and put ourselves on a war footing asap.

What government in its right mind would embark on a war against international terrorism (ie. Islamic fundamentalism) and at the same time: open up its countries borders to all and sundry, shackle itself with a raft of human rights laws which prevent the security services from protecting their country, reduce the infantry battallions in the army, emasculate the Navy and tool up with kit to fight a fictitious third world war, alienate the Civil Service and Judiciary etc.

In a nutshell, we need cross party cooperation to review and repeal, where necessary, the mish mash of immigration, assylum, defence and security legislation introduced by the current government; get out of Iraq and look to the defence of our country.

  • 75.
  • At 11:54 PM on 02 Jul 2007,
  • Mo wrote:

We can save this government loads of money. All we have to do is to get rid of the judiciary. Instead we will have all the trials to be done by the media, as seems to be the case in current times. The sensationlist coverage by the British media is all too obvious.

  • 76.
  • At 12:13 AM on 03 Jul 2007,
  • Javed wrote:

I am a British muslim.

To me there is no conflict between being both as the tenets of Islam are seen more readily in this country than in any muslim country.

What are these - Tolerance, Justice, Freedom, Hard Work, Honesty, Patience in adversity etc..

The problem with muslims today is that where at one time to be admitted to the so called Islamic madrassahs you had to be the creme of the crop, (the Ivy League) the current intake is mostly of dropouts from the regular schools. What chance do the mostly illiterate masses have when being led by a bunch of no hopers? In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king!

Let there be NO DOUBT that Islam does not condone random acts of aggression on anyone. God categorically and continually forbids this in the Quran. " To kill one person is as killing all of mankind"..

We should all be clear and Muslims especially ready to stand up and be counted when confronted with so called Jihadis, as it is not a jihad to kill innocent people and there is NO justification for this anywhere.

The muslim world is at present in its Dark Ages. Looking around the world now its not surprising that Islam and muslims are being despised or at best treated with suspicion.

It is precisely at times times like these that we must stand together and not let the bigots from all sides drive a wedge between the honest hardworking majority of this country. That's obviously exactly what the terrorists want and they win.

On a global level we must all strive to end injustice as this does without any doubt breed contempt and the need to seek revenge.

I strongly believe that we are witnessing in europe is just this and it seems to be politically motivated, just as when the IRA were bombing innocent people it was not due to the teachings of Christianity or when Sri Lankan suicide bombers attacked Rajiv Ghandi it was not due to Hinduism. To deny this truth as a lot of commentators are doing is avoiding the truth and ultimately the solution.

  • 77.
  • At 01:00 AM on 03 Jul 2007,
  • dawnfieldsasher wrote:

well I feel really sorry for the
pakistanis who are in the u.s. be-
cause all us americans are so scared
of them. and they look so sad all the
time. the iranians do not look sad or
unhappy, in fact when I asked one of
them about the war over there, they
said they hadn't heard anything about
it. Like fighting isn't anything new
to them. What I am concerned about is
there are hidden microphones in my
apartment because they thought I was
racist. Well I was thnking out loud
last week to my imaginary boyfriend
who is a musician, and I told him to
check out Reno. (to perform there).
And the next thing I know there was
a forest fire there. So I'm thinkin
that terrorists are listening to me
live. It's sad you can't even talk
in your own house.

  • 78.
  • At 01:33 AM on 03 Jul 2007,
  • debbie clark wrote:

this is a very hard question to brooch, thier is no easy answer, i am sure the government do everything they can in thier quest to irradicate terrorism, as well as vetting those entering britain. The hardest part of all this is the fact you cant read someones mind, and the most proffesional person with high credentials can be radicalised and thier minds made to believe that what they are doing is somehow justified. The only thing we can do as a nation as a whole is be extra vigilant of what is going on around us, and hope that other people are doing the same.

  • 79.
  • At 01:53 AM on 03 Jul 2007,
  • wrote:

I suppose vetting immigrants is a good idea. Let me see how it goes:
Are you a terrorist - no? OK, come on in. Isn't it bit like asking a burglar whether he/she is a criminal? But of course, burglars look like burglars by wearing striped t_shirts and masks and by the same token terrorists will have their membership cards ready.

  • 80.
  • At 09:04 AM on 03 Jul 2007,
  • wrote:

All religions lead people to be tolerance, justice, hard Work, honesty, and patience without doubt. I don’t think that crime, terror, and war having any relationship with Creator, religions, and races though some people keep using it as a reason to confuse everyone. It’s inappropriate to ask for more support while the terror attacks as a Muslim leader in British because it makes them more suspicious and weak. They should be educated to know it’s something exactly related with their own benefits attacks as well. The immigrants who would leave their homeland to ask for support as refugees like just because they would not suffer so many bombs and killings anymore. They are exactly killing haters for sure. If it’s possible to plant their own homeland to be a peaceful and wonderful place, they would stay in the place exactly belonging to them but to be a beggar like people in anywhere else. I have the plan to help them to make their dream come true and make the world better. I hope that I can get enough support to complete the mission that Creator commands me.

  • 81.
  • At 12:28 PM on 03 Jul 2007,
  • Lyn wrote:

I think it should be made clear to the families of the would be terrorists that we as a country no longer want them, the entire family should be permanantly excluded from our country. Maybe then they will exert some pressure on the evil element. I would also like to say I think we should honour our security services more for the very worthwhile job they do.

  • 82.
  • At 12:29 PM on 03 Jul 2007,
  • Lyn wrote:

We should deport all the families of those wishing to do us harm, maybe then they will exert some pressure on them.
We should pay tribute to our security services.

  • 83.
  • At 12:32 PM on 03 Jul 2007,
  • Lyn wrote:

We should deport all the families of those wishing to do us harm, maybe then they will exert some pressure on them.
We should pay tribute to our security services.

  • 84.
  • At 05:35 PM on 03 Jul 2007,
  • Malcolm Minino wrote:

How do we deal with jihadis in this country? That's easy - get out of Afghanistan and Iraq. These wars are clashes of civilisations led by the neo-Con Christian extremists Bush and Blair. There is no military solution in either country, only a political one. Even the Taleban have a constituency, so bring them into government. Secondly, abolish the Palestinian Bantustans in the West Bank and break the siege of Gaza. Colonisation of the West Bank has been so intense that there is a de facto one state across Palestine and the two state solution is no longer viable. The new agenda is to campaign for the 'right of return' and to secure democracy for all in Palestine.

  • 85.
  • At 06:18 PM on 03 Jul 2007,
  • Daniel Lawal wrote:

The too much freedom in the law in Uk is the reason for the persistence on the rate of terrorism.
I hope UK goverment can learn from France that gave no power to any Muslim in the institutions.
Why will the government sit down and listing to an imam preaching jihad in UK in the name of freedom of speech.
Some of them have stoped there young girls from going for sports all in the name of religion.
Tony Blair has no falt, he has tried his best.
My advise is for all the resident of UK to open thier eye and hear more so that they will not be victime of the terrorist act.
From China.

  • 86.
  • At 02:21 PM on 04 Jul 2007,
  • Ssekandi Tadeo wrote:

Sorry for this terible moment of people acting like animals, who luck the sense of image in which they were created and this the image of God the almighty.

My suguetion is that such a person or people could try to listen to their iner hearts before they into such stuped acts then the shuld be more reasonable in all their action. what I mean acting according to reason but as animal do. So more education is needed to those people if they were listen.

God bless you all you.


  • 87.
  • At 07:02 PM on 04 Jul 2007,
  • Alan Bailey wrote:

Regarding the Glasgow attempt that failed, I have to say why is the bomber (a doctor) in one of our hospitals receiving expert care? This phrase springs to mind "Physician heal thyself". Since he seems to be a personal friend of Allah, let us turn him out with a friendly word or two "Don't worry, Allah will relieve you of your pain and suffering" and let's see how quickly he recovers.

  • 88.
  • At 09:21 AM on 06 Jul 2007,
  • Richard Michael Boyden wrote:

Didn't you Brits just install a new leader, or something like that? Maybe someone is testing him to see if he will stand up and do the right thing, whatever that is. A lot of people, including myself, believe that if the world immediately stopped all cow slaughter forever, all problems would be solved. So what use is it to think about the details of day to day problems when no one is really interested to hear about the real solutions?

  • 89.
  • At 10:41 PM on 13 Jul 2007,
  • D Allan wrote:

Dear Kirsty
Gordon Brown says he joined the labour party as a teenager, He should have joined the uk Forces first, he might then know his arse from his elbow

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