

Talk about Newsnight

Latest programme

Thursday, 15 March, 2007

  • Newsnight
  • 15 Mar 07, 06:38 PM

hoodies203.jpgWe look at the case of one 10-year-old with an ASBO who also has a mental health disorder - is this how we should be treating our kids?

Plus the spiralling cost of the Olympics; the data Google keeps about you and how the US government wants to get its hand on it; and just how is Robert Mugabe's government staying afloat?

And what else should we be covering on tonight's programme? Get in quick and tell us below - starts at 2230GMT.

Comments  Post your comment

  • 1.
  • At 07:30 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • Maurice - Northumberland wrote:

The cost of the Olympics - well what a surprise, the Government got it wrong - AGAIN!

The Dome, just how much is that now?

The Scottish Parliament Building was 10 times over the proposed costs, whose to say that the Olympics will not be the same, ie. 10 times over?

13,000 immigrants = in reality how many? Certainly many more than 10 times.

In 1979 we found out just how bad Labour with numbers, and here we nearly 30 years later and they are probably worse!

Let them tell us how much PFI and PPI costs are today, both capital and pay-back and for how long, 30 years is it not?

Despite whatever they say, the country is broke just as it was in 1979. But the consequences will be very far reaching, certainly a minimum 30 years, and the current Tories will not as before be able to fix it, they won't be up-to it!

But I suppose we can all rest peacefully in our beds knowing that the Politicians pensions will be fire proof to all that is to follow (that they are responsible for), and in no small part to the Pensions they stole from the Peasant that will be the population of this once GREAT Britain. A Britain more and more are intent on leaving. Hardly surprising.

  • 2.
  • At 08:42 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • Bob Goodall wrote:

Hi Newsnight

Would it be possible to have a camera zoomed in on all Government politicians from now on as you interview them to watch the whites of their lies as their irises contract, or not in response to your questions. There could be a little box in the corner of the screen for us to watch the results.

Bob Goodall

  • 3.
  • At 09:46 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • pete wrote:


  • 4.
  • At 10:32 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • I love to be intercepted and info reviewed wrote:

It is good for the government and other agencies of every politics including independents to collect information on us concurrently...

....so we are more understood better represented in society and our initiatives and explorations acknowledged appropriately and if necessary pre-emptively politically and legally defended and discussed at suitable levels...

The more we understand the stronger the community becomes..and the more prepared authorities are the better life becomes...as defcons can settle over time and be suitably placed ...

Government advice icons on some sites may be a good accreditation like a kite mark and link to more pluralistic education support and advice...

Even spyware keeps you safe from the people that needed to know...

And ideally unneccessary email can be surveillance intercepted and directed to more suitable authorities and responsibles with an acknowledgement saying that that interception has happened on your behalf and on behalf of the government...with a number to call or site to link to for further advice and reassurance...for safer surfing for all....

People need to know who the bad guys are and explore how to deal with them in the neighbourhood..in a progressive or separatist way...

Agents can that way be recruited and the public can offload their worries and find the reassurance we all sometimes need!


  • 5.
  • At 10:39 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • john wrote:

ASBO kid... God Almighty. What a family of morons!

A ten year old with an ASBO is down to one thing, irresponsible parents. Why is a ten year old kid allowed to knock around, drink booze and smoke dope with twenty year olds? Because his irresponsible parents allow him to.
They are the one's who deserve an ASBO!

  • 7.
  • At 10:48 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • T Kemp wrote:

Regarding ASBO for a 10 year old. CLEARLY, there was a need to step in and intervene with this child.
The mother just sat there on national television and described how her 7 year old child was hanging around with older boys, and coming home looking clearly like he had been using drugs!!!!!
Why is a child of 7 allowed to be out of the house alone anyway. What on earth is going on in this country?
Kids get a few years of school and then they're turned loose. And the excuse is "well you can't keep them in all the time can you?". Why not?
If these people can't parent kids, someone has to protect the rest of us from the feral population they're creating.
And please....He is educationally sub-normal???? Maybe if they sent him to school and kept him from running the streets he may actually be able to keep up!
To be honest, i think it is the so called parents who should be penalised, not the kid. How do you make these people "parent" the kids they have?

  • 8.
  • At 10:50 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • John Willman wrote:

Your report on the 10-year-old with an Asbo was disgrace.

Why did you not interb=view the victims of this child's behaviour. Why did you not ask his mother why he was allowed out on his own at the age of 7 to take drugs? And hasn't the child's situation improved since the Asbo was served?

  • 9.
  • At 10:55 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • Ray wrote:

What a clown. Will these bunch of losers even be around when the Olympics start? Hopefully not. One thing though, the bill's not going away. Only up... and up... and up...

  • 10.
  • At 10:58 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • jay wrote:

We have 2 children with aspergers and had to fight tooth and nail for years for help (we didn't get help for either even though we knew something was wrong from an early age), even when we got help in one area and moved to another area (England to Scotland) we had to start the fight again. We still have to work hard to keep what small amount of help the children get in school as different doctors have different opinions and opinionated and under qualified headteachers fight council/medical decisions.
When we asked for help from social services that turned into a nightmare as they immediately assumed we were bad parents (even though our first child has never been a problem or in trouble).
The whole system is a disgrace and needs a good shake up.
I am really not surprised so many children are getting into trouble.

  • 11.
  • At 11:01 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • michael leach wrote:

10 year olds with ASBO's!

What a suprise.........NOT!

There is a catastrophic failure to understand that the reason why many young people are becoming criminalised is precisely because they have been ALLOWED to develop mental health problems. Unfortunately, rather than looking at the preconditions evident in society which create the perfect environment for a decline in mental health, so called professionals will jump on the bandwagon and rush to medacalise the problem. This means that instead of recognising and confronting the problem, parents will simply explain away their responsibilities and utter the immortal words ‘it’s not my fault!’.

  • 12.
  • At 11:01 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • chris wrote:

10 yr old kids with asbo's? what the hell are the parents of these kids like? the parents blame it all on other kids, well, if the parents were any good at parenting then the ''other kids'' wouldnt be there in the first place, its all about passing the buck, these useless parents just want to blame other families or the government, they should take a close look at their parenting skills very closely, im 46, brought up 3 kids in the middle of hackney in london, one is married and happy and with a working husband, the middle one is 19 and studied hard at school and college and has numerous certificates and grades to show for it, the youngest is 15 and still at a state school and doing very well, not one of then hung around the street, taken any drugs, smoke or drink, not one has been in any troublw what so ever, and im proud of them all, thats because i was and am a good parent and devoted and devote all my time to my kids and not to myself, i dont drink smoke gamble and have never been in trouble, in short, if people dont have the any idea of how to raise children they shouldnt have them, so bad parents, wake up and smell the coffee and raise your kids, dont let them raise themselves on the street while your busy down the pub or at bingo or in the betting office

  • 13.
  • At 11:20 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • wrote:

I almost choked with laughter when Jeremy declared that the proposals for party funding be limited to £50k - Jeremy just said "Yes Minister"! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!It's amazing how Yes Minister/Yes Prime Minister is so relevant today. :-) (Jeremy 15/10 tonight!)

  • 14.
  • At 11:39 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • Teresa Lobb wrote:

I agree wholeheartedly that we should be tackling the problem of children with behaviour disorders, and trying to get to the root of the matter. Drugs to calm children are only masking the issue. My son displayed signs of ADHD and mood swings at the age of 4 and I discovered it was caused through a wheat and dairy intolerance. It is now under control through diet. Although in some cases, it is down to inadequate parenting skills,I believe food intolerances could be found to be a major factor. I understand it is already under research. If findings back this up, surely it would be more cost effective for the government to set up centres where families can be supported in implementing diets to suit their children's intolerances, providing food at affordable prices(may be on NHS) and advice on meals as well as parenting.
It could save the nation millions in spiralling crime costs and ritalin!!

Tessa Lobb author of Scary Dairy Wild Wheat and Coping with E's (Grub Street)

  • 15.
  • At 11:43 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • Louise Sherry wrote:

I have just watched newsnight and wanted to add my son to the list of children recieving ASBOs while being diagnosed with a neurological disorder
My son J++++ now aged 16. Was finally officially diagnosed at 11 with ADHD and Dyspraxia (Development Disorder) and specific learning difficulties and later with CD and ODD, he’s been statemented (another unnecessary battle ) and has been excluded from 6 schools 3 of which are designed for Emotionally and Behaviour Disorders (another failing of the system), has already served a sentence in a YOI been tagged twice and is now facing an ASBO after being on an ABC that was impossible for him to follow. Even though I consider myself to be dedicated parent who has done everything possible to conscientiously support and teach my son right from wrong we still face the possibility of eviction being one of the conditions of an ASBO
I have spent over 11 years trying to get help from many agencies and the education system over the years and we have all failed that child.
Watching that programme made me realise that I wasn’t going mad and it wasn’t just happening to my son and our family.

Please continue to make change and I’ll continue to help my son to become and happy and productive member of our society.

If you have any information that you feel would be of benefit please add me to a mailing list.
Louise Sherry

  • 16.
  • At 11:47 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • Steve Fuller wrote:

We should not be surprised at the escalating costs of staging the 2012 Olympics, is support now ebbing away I wonder? I have always thought that these costs would rise and extra money will have to be found and taken from somewhere else.

  • 17.
  • At 12:00 AM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • Steve Fuller wrote:

I am not surprised that the costs of staging the 2012 Olympics is spiralling out of control. We have seen this all too often with other projects that the Government thought were a good idea at the time. There was great joy and adulation at the time when we won the bid to stage the games. Now we are seeing all too clearly the reality of hosting such an event I wonder if the joy is now beginning to wain? It was a great achievement to win the bid to host the games, but now questions are being asked about the costs and the justification of taking money from other areas. I sadly do not think that the rising costs will finish here there will be more to come in the future with the public becoming more aprehensive about them.

  • 18.
  • At 12:09 AM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • Applying the precedents of antecedents to the olympic efforts of teachers wrote:

We have got a spiralling cost project in Bournemouth..the conspiracy casino...6% inspiration and aspiring to go 120% to 210% over budget!

Olympic prudence...?! Your mans impudent "By the people for the people... there for the people to take the money off you lot and give it to the people we like"... "they need the money more than you and they are our people and you people deserve the punishment of losing it" infuriates us all...

But has their view been given a new economic astuteness and perception?

"Millions know how they spend money...printed cos it will be worth it to the country...in the end.."

But also banked off the past?

"Given the fact that all our workers were worth more in their past as was their work...long as it has survived and contributed to the wealth of the nation...those assets and their work have grown in value so just as we prospect forward we can respect antecedently...."

They could revaluate the effects of student preparation the same way and alter teacher's pensions!

  • 19.
  • At 12:12 AM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • Juanita wrote:

It concerns me deeply that children with mental health problems are being served with ASBOs. Clearly there is a difference between an outright unruly child and a child diagnosed with challenging mental health issues. Aspergers, ADHD and Autism are just a few of the Neurological conditions that can affect a child’s ability to sequence their actions efficiently enough to be aware of the reactions to these actions.

Torrettes is also an impulsive mental health disorder which too, displays symptoms that can be classed as anti social. However, as awareness regarding this illness has increased, so has people’s tolerance and ability to empathize.

I believe that ASBOs do have a use in society and I am in no way anti-ASBO, however placing one on a child with mental health issues is seldom the answer to the problem. Furthermore, to threaten eviction on parents that are already in a challenging situation can never be considered as useful or supportive. More constructive strategies should be put in place to enable these children a better chance to progress. Labeling these children is dangerous territory, as the self-fulfilling prophecy is hard for even the most headstrong of us to ignore and not rise to.

There is clearly a huge difference between a child with a mental health illness and a child whose parents really don’t give a damn. Surely this must be evident to anyone? I mean seriously how narrow-minded can someone be?

People, sit up and take notice of what is going on in the world around you. And as for those of you that claim it’s a get-out-clause for ill-disciplined children (and I’m guessing you’re not a child psychologists/specialists?) either educate yourself on the subject or do us all a favour and just don’t bother commenting!

  • 20.
  • At 12:40 AM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • Pauline Campbell wrote:

10-YEAR-OLD CHILD WITH AN ASBO WHO ALSO HAS A MENTAL HEALTH DISORDER - Asperger Syndrome is one of the autistic spectrum disorders, a neurological condition affecting a person's behaviour. It is worrying that people (of all ages) with mental health diagnoses are increasingly getting drawn into the criminal justice system, while at the same time under-resourced mental health services are struggling to cope.

My late daughter was of above average intelligence, but diagnosed at age six with "traces of autism" ("mild atypical Asperger Syndrome", was how the consultant described it), which caused difficulties as she was growing up.

She died, aged 18, in the 'care' of the State. A report in The Guardian, 27.09.06, refers to my late daughter, and the fact that she had had 'learning difficulties' (referred to above):

  • 21.
  • At 01:02 AM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • vikingar wrote:

ASBO's go to prove dumb animals have more protection in society, than children have from the intentional erosion of discipline & control in British Society *

* an intentional erosion brought on by the intentional societual engineering experiments from the Usual Suspects of the Left & Liberal elements since 1960's as part of their intentional strategy to foster change from a 'rights' perspective between the relationship of societies, communities, citizens & parents and their ability to discipline & control children … it brought about change… the experiment failed … it was the wrong form of change


btw - 'bad parenting' is just that, but pales in comparison to the erosion of overall 'discipline & control' in pursuit of individual rights (regardless of consequence)

The erosion of ' Real Relationships' in pursuance of 'Aspirational 'Rights' joins the pile of other failed societual engineering experiments.

No wonder the "Renaissance of Rights" continues apace to bring about a rebalance


  • 22.
  • At 01:38 AM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • Manjit wrote:

Remarkable that Newsnight was advocating early intervention this evening, yet when the PM advocated this in September in a interview with the ±«Óãtv's ±«Óãtv Affairs Editor he was castigated by much of the media elite.

  • 23.
  • At 02:13 AM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • vikingar wrote:

MENTAL HEALTH - Consistency

Surely letting loose children with mental health issues onto streets of UK to run amuck is only consistent with New Labours 3 term policy of letting loose all other people with mental health problems doing similar already

Timeline .... 1995 [1] … 2006 [2]

Reality …… The Rights of Society in this respect should be above the Rights of the mentally ill to harm themselves (right to refuse medication/treatment) and/or others (reasoned/excused by illness) *

* they need adequate assistance but New Labour is failing to deliver & meantime failing to protect society

As with Pauline Campbell #20, believe there is a distinct difference between such entering the CJS esp in lieu of or specifically because of failing in mental health support


But in terms of true research & its effect on society (esp by motives & agenda of those doing the investigation):

Q.1 if we attribute all negative human behaviour to the 'discovery' & 'diagnosis' of innumerable syndromes & disorders, what does this bode for society?

Q.2 are we in danger of bundling all such 'emergent conditions' into the 'traditional mix' diverting limited resources from true life threatening conditions?

Q.3 do we not risk masking the true consequence of 'human nature' by the desire of some to regard society as nothing more than a 'waiting room' & its citizens as nothing more than 'patients to be'? **

** where any behaviour & attitude will be dismissed/attributed as a mental health 'condition' regardless ... esp when measures against an 'agenda yardstick'?

** where consequence & societies right to protection (via punishment) is mitigated regardless as no distinction will be able to be made between true personal accountability & a defence of 'syndrome & disorder' by the person causing harm




  • 24.
  • At 02:19 AM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • Nicholaus Hall wrote:

What a disappointing report by Paul Mason!

Google does not copy all of your files to their servers to index them, but rather Google Desktop is intalled on the local machine and indexes them there.

And what was that about the nuns and adverts? The example made no sense, as bother sender and recipient had words that would trigger related ads in AdSense - no need for "permission from the 3rd party". As Mason himself said, it "doens't work very well" and that could be because Google AdSense probably still only uses the present text and/or search terms and not a historical profile (mainly because if you're searching for or emailing about car batteries, you're not going to be as keen about ads relating to long-standing interest in stamps).

The fears about Google and privacy are well placed, but Mason's misleading report undermines the arguments.

  • 25.
  • At 09:25 AM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • An Athletic Accountant wrote:

Money wasting blarites must seem criminally mentally ill to accountant and worker types...


The law does not exist and they hate people who love to do the jobs required...

There is an epidemic of criminal mental illness in the NHS...Doctors hate patients and enjoy victimising anyone who shows off their own knowledge perceptions prioritisation and love of their own health..instead they make people sick and say people are lucky not to die...

There is an epidemic of criminal mental illness in the police where they are making crime pay and defend their criminal mates... where negligence is more appropriate to the money they are earning and where the lawful public working classes get attacked and victimised...

There is an epidemic of criminal mental illness in management ..they think management is about demeaning and degrading anyone who wants to do the job..instead believe they are better to be ignorant idle incapable of understanding what to do incapable of briefing or knowing what customers or bosses or staff want, incapable of strategic application to the job of optimising qualities of provision, incapable of accounting...to them the company is not the work or the conceptions of it..it is the belief that they are good simply for sitting there...

There is an epidemic of criminal mental illness in families where parental figures want to destroy the children who trusted them...

There is an epidemic of criminal mental illness in women ... who pick husbands and lovers according to divorcabiltiy and expect money for divorce and the ability to get away with victimisation ... they do not love those who wanted marriage to be the great husband father and proud how owner...instead there was an epidemic of criminal mental illness in women who hated the very concept of faithfulness and trustabilities...

There seems to be and was an epidemic of criminal mental illness in teaching where at many levels to them the objective was not teaching it was working out their bizarre social beliefs on our lives...

We don't have social beliefs ...we have questioning wonder exploration and the ability to get on as required ...and yet have found the bizarre discovery that people prefer to believe in themselves to sustain the heights of their mental illness...that way of life is at an epidemic level due to blairism...!

  • 26.
  • At 10:17 AM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • vikingar wrote:

MENTAL HEALTH - Consistency

Surely letting loose children with mental health issues onto streets of UK to run amuck is only consistent with New Labours 3 term policy of letting loose all other people with mental health problems doing similar already

Timeline .... 1995 [1] … 2006 [2]

Reality …… The Rights of Society in this respect should be above the Rights of the mentally ill to harm themselves (right to refuse medication/treatment) and/or others (reasoned/excused by illness) *

* they need adequate assistance but New Labour is failing to deliver & meantime failing to protect society

As with Pauline Campbell #20, believe there is a distinct difference between such entering the CJS esp in lieu of or specifically because of failing in mental health support


But in terms of true research & its effect on society (esp by motives & agenda of those doing the investigation):

Q.1 if we attribute all negative human behaviour to the 'discovery' & 'diagnosis' of innumerable syndromes & disorders, what does this bode for society?

Q.2 are we in danger of bundling all such 'emergent conditions' into the 'traditional mix' diverting limited resources from true life threatening conditions?

Q.3 do we not risk masking the true consequence of 'human nature' by the desire of some to regard society as nothing more than a 'waiting room' & its citizens as nothing more than 'patients to be'? **

** where any behaviour & attitude will be dismissed/attributed as a mental health 'condition' regardless ... esp when measures against an 'agenda yardstick'?

** where consequence & societies right to protection (via punishment) is mitigated regardless as no distinction will be able to be made between true personal accountability & a defence of 'syndrome & disorder' by the person causing harm




  • 27.
  • At 11:55 AM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • Graeme Mulvaney wrote:

"Would you like doing business with a person who quoted one figure when he wanted a job and then when he got the job doubled it?"

"normal accountancy rules" for bidding and apraising a contract go a long way to explaining why the NHS IT system, Wembley, the West coast mainline,... are all late and way over budget.

Perhaps all governments should be rebranded as provisional contingencies.

"Do you run your household finances like this!" - classic :D

  • 28.
  • At 12:28 PM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • dicky wrote:

if political parties cannot successfully run their party why should we expect them to fare any better while running a country? Public subsidy is not the answer to financial failure. it just encourages the same thinking that gives us domenomics or olympic budgetitis.

what is in it for the member of a party? They have no say, can't decided policy and their views ignored. Who wants to be in a club like that?

to understand why political clubs are failing one has to compare them with clubs that are succeeding i.e that have long waiting lists and high fees.

  • 29.
  • At 12:29 PM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • Brian Kelly wrote:

Gross overspend on Olympics & to hell with the consequences......

It infuriates & inflames the Public view of Politics seeing Jowell & smirking ministerial front benchers not apologising for the unacceptable overspend.. but playing yaboo politics...perceived as saying "lifes like this" live with it.!

  • 30.
  • At 01:21 PM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • Adrienne wrote:

ASBO's and Feral Children: ("the road to hell is paved with good

If heritability (h2) of many classes of behaviour is high (as twin and
adoption studies indicate), and lower cognitive ability females are
having more children, (and/or having them earlier) than those with higher ability (higher ability females tend to delay having families in order to compete in the workplace), the national average for cognitive
ability will progressively tilt to the left of the distribution. This is dysgenic fertility, it's cumulative, and it's slow burning.

Increasing frequency of disorderly behaviour ("Conduct Disorder") as a
function of lower cognitive ability (SEN) and increasing cultural load
is not so much a medical problem as a natural function of individual
differences ("diversity") plus environmental pressures selecting genes and skewing the normal distribution.

We appear to be making this worse. Given the intentional erosion of "big government" in favour of market forces over recent decades, what do we expect our politicians to be in control of? Given that they have largely abrogated whatever powers they once had, surely these problems are precisely what we should expect?

Lamarckian/Lysenkoist legislation (especially from the ±«Óãtv Office and
DfES) won't help much if the target groups are so illiterate that they
are effectively oblivious to it. In fact, it may just make matters worse
through fostering misguided beliefs in the efficacy of intervention
strategies whilst imposing more verbal loads upon them.

Dysgenic fertility is a simple equation (our average TFR is only 1.71, but clearly in some groups it is much higher) and it is borne out in the crime and education data (so long as one is not distracted by assertions that standards are ever improving and "What Works" programmes promulgated by interested merchants are effective rather than

It isn't unwitting institutional racism that's the problem:

it's more likely to be "unwitting Trotskyism" (see Q277 on especially)

with all too many unable to look into the evidence behind the driving
variables because these issues are deemed politically, or professionally, incorrect.

This unfortunate trend has been with us for quite some time, although I
suspect it's more a case of omission rather than commission, i.e.
ignorance borne of good intentions rather than conspiracy. The key word
here is "unwitting", but that's what makes it such a nightmare scenario.

The somewhat paranoid caricature outlined here may actually suit the
more psychopathic amidst us, as the lower the general ability of the
electorate (and remember that New Labour's electorate is mainly in the
lower ability, inner cities which are expanding with "unskilled labour
as a function of our open borders an free market attractions), the
easier it is to capture their hearts, minds (and most important of all of course, their votes), and the rarer (through the same dysgenic
process) is any organised opposition at the other end of the ability
distribution. This is just how political correctness or Cultural Marxism works, it disables, or stifles opposition.

Finally, the price of globalisation may be that national politicians
aren't really all that interested in the long term welfare of most of
"their" people, they just are not "their" people. The former are just interested in themselves, and their cosmopolitan/internationalist

Perhaps a little dark, but when globalists have taken what they want, they tend to go and assert strip elsewhere.

They're internationalists, after all.

  • 31.
  • At 01:40 PM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • Mr Wallace wrote:


I can except that some children will have behavioral problems that can be diagnosed and treated,usually with removing certain foods from their diet,mostly junk food with chemical additives found in crisps and soft drinks ect,and to give them a lobotomy tablet and maybe remove them from the tele or the play station.Personally i believe that the main reason we have feral children creating havoc in our communities is ,30 years of liberial teaching methods coupled with the collapse of real policing and punishment.The lack of adhering to common values and the basic understanding of what is right and wrong has gone amiss ,and has been replaced by the "excuse merchants" in the guise of the numerous agencies set up to look after the "poor little misunderstood Johnnys" in our communities, rather than condemn bad behaviour,these well meaning do gooders have created a monster that keeps them employed for years with a nice pension."Try and understand and less condemnation" has always been their stance ,whilst their victims ,and there are plenty, never get a look in. Sorry to say this ,and i am sure the Guardian readership (all 3 of you) will be up in arms at this next statement..The little Johnnys of this world need a good crack around the back of the head,and can we start this practice at school,and maybe men may start entering the teaching profession again(certainly in primary education) and maybe single parents can have a male roll model at their childrens school.The strap and the cane can make a come back and any bad behaviour can be checked and nipped in the bud, okey,okey,stop, your going too far with this mr wallace .Even i feel uncomfortable with that last statement,but partly because the well established dogma ,has forced me to accept the failed trendy methods ,and chastising a child is now well and truly taboo, but the unchecked errant child grows up to be an adult who can,and usually does become a menace to society, usually finally ending in prison(not before loads of interventions from dozens of agencies over long periods ) The "pastoral colours" approach of dealing with errant children is a failure and the reintroduction of stark colours,ie "black and white,right and wrong" has to be the only answer.The word "vulnerable" was incorrectly used within this newsnight report and subsequent discussion.For me,people who are vulnerable are old people for example, living next door to a family, who are out of control ,with the old dear living in fear,including her neighbours. The vulnerable are victims from children and teenagers who gain ASBO status thanks to their unchecked behaviour .After hearing that the mother of this young ASBO kid has a serious illlness , I have pulled my punches somewhat,as i don't want to pile on to her obvious pain and heartache .I genuinely hope it turns out okey for her and her sons future,but stories like this has me on my soapbox all day long with my blood at boiling point ...how about a sterility programme,an option for individuals who show signs of potential low parent skills,the simple minded folk...ah,there i go again with one of my contoversial suggestions,nope,better not go there with that suggestion,to much of the shades of the sterility programmes that occured in the.....er yeah, the USA,I think if my history is correct, the state of texas,on its deep south hillbilly community
one step to far i think,even for a hardliner such as myself.

By all means deconstruct my thoughts and populist views ,but make sure you have some empathy with victims of crime first. Crimes perpetrated by children and teenagers and the unchecked young adults who have been allowed to run riot thanks to the trendy methods that are entrenched in our institutions,laws and phychie.(or however you spell it)
To challenge without empathy,will only be invalid.
please forgive my grammer and spelling,i have just upgraded from my crayon set.The legacy of a comprehensive education am afraid ,but the odd clout at the back of my head did me no harm..NO DOUBT,SOME WILL QUESTION THAT..

is that the sound of a Guardian reader i hear in the "cyber space" distance???? aaggghhhh

the cost of the olympics,dont get me started.

  • 32.
  • At 01:44 PM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • Jane Prewitt wrote:

How terrifying to imagine Google ransacking my files.They amount to nothing more than some articles on the benefits of aromotherapy(probably hogwash but certainly not illegal)a few train timetables and the NHS x-rays of my spine.Oh and a few Spectator articles(copywrite issues?).Couldn't be more banal.

  • 33.
  • At 04:50 PM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • Beth wrote:

Why on earth was the 10 year old child with aspergers sat in front of an xbox for the duration of the interview? Surely much of this has to do with parental control and stimulation - shoving your child in front of a gamestation is NOT parenting in any sense, especially one with behaviourial disorders. I am not an expert but one need not exert too much common sense to figure this out. I'm afraid I have little sympathy for the mother who lets her child out of her sight at the age of 7 without knowing where he is and with whom. This is just symptomatic of the appalling degradation that this society is stooping to, and like many, I believe these umbrella terms of illnesses are papering over crevaces. Perhaps Thatcher was foretelling the future when she said "There's no such thing as society". How sad.

  • 34.
  • At 05:09 PM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • Cliff wrote:

What worries me about the Olympics is that the ordinary people that are paying for the event will not be able to go to see it because of the cost of the tickets and the amount of corporate hospitality that will surround the event. You can bet your life that the PM and spouse and the wealthy doners to the party and of course the celebs will be there but what about the ordinary person that will be footing the bill until kingdom come?
I think the 2012 Olympics has some similarities with another dictators Olympic showcase in 1936.

  • 35.
  • At 08:13 PM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • Jay wrote:

I was one of the last years to attend the old Junior schools before they were abolished to make way for the two schooling system of Primary to Secondary, this also coincided with the abolition of corporal punishment.

Now, looking back, I can see that the effects were evident in my level of fear.
Pre-abolition of corporal punishment I feared the Headmaster, and tried to make sure not to get into any trouble that would warrant a visit to his office, post-abolition I feared the rising number of pupils who seemed as though they could get away with anything, and now, 20 years down the line, I still fear the pupils who seem as though that can get away with anything, because this no fear of consequence is now no longer confined to the playground as it was 20 years ago.
Now it has spilled out into everyday society in the form of knivings, shootings, beatings and the twisted pleasure of "happy slapping", and with the ever rising number of bullies in the playground turning to more extreme forms of bullying, and the rising number of victims of bullying turning to the tragic extreme of suicide, was this really the right decision to make?

We may feel morally superior than our patriarchal ancestors and direct a slight sense of shame their way, but they may also feel a slight sense of shame towards their liberal decendants as we have failed to protect our children from one of the most facist social groups there has ever been, other children!

  • 36.
  • At 08:42 PM on 16 Mar 2007,
  • wrote:

Asbo? Isn't it about time we looked at the source of these problems....

2)diets (no fizzy pop, prcessed foods etc)

and perhaps we are seeing a rise of a new type of being who cannot work within the present paradigm.

  • 37.
  • At 06:58 PM on 17 Mar 2007,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref adam grose #36

"Asbo? Isn't it about time we looked at the source of these problems...."

If it was only a simple as fizzy pop, junk food & a lack of comms :(

Our societies inheritance is a failure by government to deliver against a back drop of failed societual engineering experiments #21 & #23


  • 38.
  • At 07:45 PM on 17 Mar 2007,
  • ted shepherd wrote:

There was a government minister assuring PAXO that 9 billion was his full and final answer. Today I read in teh Daily Mail the final answer has gone up another billion. This is going up faster than a taxi meter. Who believes assurances from this government. They are not worth the paper they are written on. This Government just treats us the Taxpayer with contempt.They know we will pick up the Bill for thir ego trip. Lord Coe should be sacked and fitted with a pair of concrete socks. he could not organise a piss up in a brewary. Other big projects have been built to budget. Look at Roayl Ascot. finished on time and on budget. why because they did not tolerate the bullshitters.

  • 39.
  • At 09:50 AM on 19 Mar 2007,
  • Natasha Topaz wrote:

More and more the olympics seems to be the sporting equivalent of the famous curse of Hello Magazine-one brief incandescent moment of glory followed by a messy divorce and much squabbling over the alimony(or palimoney).Actully it is anyone's guess.Let us hope that Brown is taking Australia as his role model and not Tokyo, where the currency has gone hay-wire.

  • 40.
  • At 10:31 PM on 19 Mar 2007,
  • Max E.Millicent wrote:

If Ken Livingston carries on with stealth funding for the Olympics through measures such as vast inflation in the cost of London Transport he will pay a heavy price for his tactics.Living expenses for food and clothing are already inflated for Londoners.Of course richer Londoners will inevitably be in clover as as they can afford to use a car.What kind of message does this send out to average Londoners?

  • 41.
  • At 06:42 PM on 11 Dec 2007,
  • janet wigam wrote:

all this money is being spent on the olympics, so less is being spent on children's education, especially the education of children with mental-health. If all the money is spent on the olympics teenagers will have less to do, so anti-social behaviour will increase.

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