
  • Principles of design

    • Balance

      The arrangement of elements in a composition can create balance or imbalance. Three key ways to create balance are through symmetry, asymmetry and radial symmetry.

    • Emphasis

      Emphasis is what makes part of a composition stand out. Artists and designers can emphasise something in various ways which include using its position, using converging lines, or by making it unusual.

    • Movement

      Most art and design work does not feature actual movement but artists can suggest movement and passing time through the techniques they use.

    • Proportion

      Proportion describes the relationship between the dimensions of different elements and an overall composition. Scale refers to an artwork’s size and how parts of a composition relate to each other.

    • Rhythm

      Rhythm refers to how elements are repeated or how they change and develop. Rhythm can be described as either regular, flowing or progressive.

    • Unity

      Unity refers to how different elements of an artwork or design work come together and create a sense of wholeness. It can be achieved through proximity, simplicity, repetition and continuation.

    • Variety

      Variety refers to how artists and designers add complexity to their work using visual elements. Contrast, difference and change, and elaboration all add visual interest to an artist’s work.

  • Video playlist