
Spelling tricky words

Some words can be more difficult to learn to spell than others.

It is important to practise reading and spelling these tricky words so you get them right.

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Watch: Spelling tips

Watch this Teacher Talk to learn some useful spelling tips from Mrs Hudson.

Watch this video to learn some useful spelling tips.

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An illustration of a young girl pointing upwards with a bubble saying remember.


You can learn how to spell the tricky words using the memory puzzle method.

  1. Look at the word
  2. Cover the word up
  3. Write it out from your memory
  4. Check if you wrote it correctly

You can also look for spelling patterns in words that look similar.

For example, 'old', 'cold', 'told' and 'hold' all have the same spelling pattern of 'old'.

An illustration of a young girl pointing upwards with a bubble saying remember.
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An illustration of a young boy thinking.

What are syllables?

Words are made up of different sounds. These are called syllables.

Syllables are a bit like 'beats' in a word. You can count how many syllables are in a word by counting how many beats there are.

Saying the word out loud, or clapping along to the beats in the word, can help.

For example, the word bath has one beat or syllable ('bath').

The word because has two beats or syllables ('be' - 'cause').

The word beautiful has three beats or syllables ('beau' - 'ti' - 'ful').

An illustration of a young boy thinking.
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Watch: Syllables

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An illustration of a young boy thinking with a question mark in a bubble.

Activity 1

Copy out the table below. Then, say the words in the list out loud.

Count how many syllables they have and write the word in the correct column.

The first two have been done for you.

child, children, poor, old, cold, would, people, sure, told, hold

Words with one syllableWords with two syllables

You can check your answers using this

An illustration of a young boy thinking with a question mark in a bubble.
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Activity 2

This activity will focus on these words:

child, children, poor, old, cold, would, people, sure, told, hold

Complete the sentences by typing out the missing word correctly.

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An illustration of a young boy smiling with question marks around him.

Activity 3

Choose the correct spelling for each sentence. Then, copy each sentence out with the correct spelling.

  1. The (child / childe) was eating her lunch.

  2. My teacher asked me to (inprove / improve) my handwriting.

  3. He was not (sure / shore) whether to buy the car or not.

  4. She (told / tolde) her brother to wait next to the bikes.

  5. The (pour / poor) cat got soaked in the rain!

You can check your answers with this

An illustration of a young boy smiling with question marks around him.
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Karate Cats English game. game

Head to the dojo to become an expert in spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Karate Cats English game
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