
A piece of Plasticine on a lever

What is a lever?

A lever is a simple mechanism that can help make hard work easier to do.

It has three important parts:

  • load
  • fulcrum
  • effort

Levers can help to lift heavy loads, as well as make things go up and down.

Levers can be found in many everyday items. For example, a door handle, a pair of scissors, a can opener and even a wheelbarrow all contain levers.

A piece of Plasticine on a lever
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Video: How to make a lever mechanism?

Follow along as Fran, Ezra and Neveah make a lever mechanism from some pieces of paper and card.

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How does a lever work?

A lever has three important parts:

1. Load - The load is the thing to be moved. It could be a big rock, a bucket of toys, or even a friend sitting on a seesaw.

2. Fulcrum - This is the spot where the lever sits. It allows the lever to move up and down, side to side, in a curve or round and round.

3. Effort - This is the power we use to make the lever work. When we push or pull to move things we use our muscles to make the lever do its job.

A man pushes down on one end of a lever (the effort) to lift the load at the other end of the lever. The lever pivots on the fulcrum. The fulcrum is placed near to the load.

When effort is used to push down on one end of the lever, the load on the other end goes up.

This makes it easier to lift heavy objects because you can use the lever to help with the hard work.

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Examples of levers

Have a look at these examples of levers that might be found in and around your home.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, A traditional door handle. , Door handle When someone turns a door handle, they are using a lever to open or close the door.
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Scissors and levers

Scissors are two levers put together.

The middle part where they join is the fulcrum. Scissors use a fulcrum to help you cut things.

When the handles are pressed together (effort), it makes the sharp parts cut the paper (the load).

A pair of opened scissors with a piece of paper being cut between them. The paper is labelled as 'the load'. Where the scissor blades meet in the centre and move around is labelled 'the fulcrum'. Two arrows at each scissor handle each pointing to the other  are labelled 'effort'.'
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Find the fulcrum

Take a look at these pictures and see if you can spot the fulcrum.

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Key words

EffortThe power used to make the lever work. People can use their muscles to make the lever do its job.
FulcrumThe place where the lever sits or moves.
LeverA simple mechanism that helps people move things more easily. It has three important parts - the fulcrum, the load, and the effort.
LoadThe heavy thing people want to lift or move using the lever. It could be a big rock, a toy, or something else that is heavy.
MechanismA set of moving parts that work together to make something happen.
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