
  • Norman MacCaig

    • Assisi

      Norman MacCaig's poem describes a visit to the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. The basilica's role as a landmark is contrasted with the Christian ideals behind its construction.

    • Visiting Hour

      Visiting Hour describes a visit to someone who is dying in hospital. The speaker tries to maintain his composure in order to prevent revealing his worry and fears to the person he is visiting.

    • Basking Shark

      This poem compares the evolutionary paths of basking sharks and humans. The sharks’ lives remain relatively unchanged for millions of years, but humans lead vastly changed lives.

    • Aunt Julia

      This poem evokes Norman MacCaig's warm memories of his Aunt Julia. She lived in a croft on a small island in the Outer Hebrides, speaking no English, only her native Gaelic language.

    • Brooklyn Cop

      In this poem, MacCaig portrays the imposing presence of a New York policeman. In doing so, MacCaig considers the fragile nature of society and the challenges that it can pose.

    • Hotel Room, 12th Floor

      From his hotel room in New York during a trip in the mid-sixties, MacCaig considers the nature of society, and whether it has come as far as its technological advances would suggest.
