
  • The USA, 1945-1974

    • Anti-Communism c.1945-1954 - OCR A

      American and Soviet relations became increasingly tense after World War Two. This led to the Red Scare. The fear of communists eventually influenced all of society, including politics, Hollywood and the FBI.

    • African Americans c.1945-1954 - OCR A

      For centuries African Americans experienced discrimination and violence. Many African Americans fought in World War Two and hoped for equality upon their return, but this hadn’t happened by 1954.

    • Civil rights in the USA 1954-1964 - OCR A

      Events in the 1950s and 1960s provoked action and drew media attention to the civil rights movement. This created conflict across the USA as many opposed the equality that the protestors wanted.

    • Broadening of the campaigns for civil rights - Race - OCR A

      The fight for civil rights intensified in the 1960s and the Black Power movement developed. Native and Hispanic Americans took inspiration and fought to improve their own standards of living.

    • Broadening of the campaigns for civil rights - Women's rights - OCR A

      As the fight for civil rights intensified in the 1960s, women’s groups took inspiration and fought to improve women’s standards of living. although some fought to maintain their conservative values.

    • Broadening of the campaigns for civil rights - Gay rights - OCR A

      As the fight for civil rights intensified in the 1960s, the American gay community protested for a better standard of living. The Stonewall riots and Gay Pride marches increased national awareness.

    • Politics and protest - OCR A

      Many protests were held between 1945 and 1974 across America. They focused on a range of issues, such as education, women’s rights and the Vietnam War.

    • Social problems and attempts to tackle them - OCR A

      President John F Kennedy and President Lyndon B Johnson each had their own approach to dealing with the social problems America experienced in the 1960s. Each experienced varying degrees of success.
