

What is a crêpe?

A crêpe is a thin pancake that can be eaten on its own, or with a sweet () or savoury () filling.

In France, they’re served on 2 February at Candlemas (), which is also called Pancake Day (). They are sold in crêperies - takeaway restaurants or stalls - in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada.


How do you make crêpes?

Ingredients and toppings to make a crèpe - flour, milk, eggs, butter, salt, mushrooms, banana, strawberry, blueberries, lemon, ham, cheese

You will need:

  • 140g plain flour ()
  • 2 eggs ()
  • 200ml whole milk ()
  • a pinch of salt () for seasoning
  • 25g butter ()
  • toppings of choice - these could include:
    • cheese ()
    • mushrooms ()
    • ham ()
    • lemon juice ()
    • fruit ()

Important note

This recipe uses a hot frying pan so make sure you ask an adult to help you.


  1. Mix () the flour and salt in a bowl ().

  2. Make () a hole in the middle of this and break the two eggs into it.

  3. Add a quarter () of the milk and whisk () this together to make a thick batter ().

  4. Gradually pour () in the rest of the milk until the batter becomes thin.

  5. Get an adult to melt () the butter in a pan () and add this to your mixture.

  6. Get an adult to add some batter to the frying pan, tilt it to cover the surface, and cook () until it’s golden brown.

  7. Flip () the crêpe to cook the other side.

  8. For savoury crêpes, try ham, cheese or mushrooms and for sweet crêpes, try lemon juice and sugar or fruit.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 8, Mix (éԲ) the flour and salt in a bowl (un bol)., Step 1

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Key French words

some butter
some mushrooms
to make
some flour
some cheese
some ham
some lemon juice
some milk
some eggs
some salt

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