
Cartoon shapes like triangles, circles and lines in lots of different colours.

Key facts about Wassily Kandinsky

Wassily Kandinsky was born in 1866 in Moscow, Russia and died in 1944.

He is well-known for creating paintings. Abstract art uses shapes, lines and colours but doesn't need to look .

Cartoon shapes like triangles, circles and lines in lots of different colours.
Non-Objective, painted by Wassily Kandinsky in 1910. It is a colourful painting with lots of abstract shapes and lines.
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This painting is called 'Non-Objective' and was painted by Wassily Kandinsky in 1910

Wassily Kandinsky loved music and could play the cello and the piano. His paintings were even inspired by music.

He literally saw colours when he heard music and heard music when he painted. This is a rare condition called .

Kandinsky painted colours, shapes and lines to express his emotions.

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Watch: Wassily Kandinsky - the abstract artist

Find out about the life and work of Wassily Kandinsky

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Wassily Kandinsky's factfile

Details on Kandinsky's date and place of birth, his type of art and what he's known for
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Improvisation 31 (Sea Battle), painted by Wassily Kandinsky in 1913
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Improvisation 31 (Sea Battle), painted by Wassily Kandinsky in 1913.

Inspired by music

The title of this painting is Improvisation 31 (Sea Battle). Wassily Kandinsky painted it in 1913.

You might be able to spot what looks like two ships in the centre. Kandinsky has used black lines to show the sails of the ships.

The black lines also show sea waves splashing.

Improvisation 31 (Sea Battle), painted by Wassily Kandinsky in 1913
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Improvisation 31 (Sea Battle), painted by Wassily Kandinsky in 1913.
Composition 51, painted by Wassily Kandinsky in 1913.
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Composition 51, painted by Wassily Kandinsky in 1913

This painting is called Composition 51. Wassily Kandinsky painted it in 1913.

You might notice that there is more black paint in this painting than in Improvisation 31. Kandinsky believed that the black was the colour of things ending.

The other colours might make you think of different sounds. You might even be able to hum a tune as you look at this painting.

You might hear music when you look at these two paintings.

Many of Kandinsky’s paintings have titles that are words also used in music. See if you can recognise them.

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Get inspired by Kandinsky!

Here are some ideas for you that are inspired by the abstract artist.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 4, A photograph of three children playing musical instruments. , Playing an instrument If you play an instrument, then you could play along to some of Kandinsky’s paintings.
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A black and white photograph of Wassily Kandinsky and Gabriele MĂĽnter.
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Wassily Kandinsky is with his friend Gabriele Münter in Sèvres near Paris, France in 1906

Did you know?

  • Kandinsky was a law teacher before he was an artist.

  • His friend, Gabriele MĂĽnter, was an artist too. She helped him when he got stuck for ideas.

  • Kandinsky also liked to design clothes, furniture and rooms.

  • For a long time, people thought that Kandinsky was the first abstract painter. Now we know there were others before him such as Hilma af Klint, Piet Mondrian, Georgia O'Keefe and Mark Rothko.

A black and white photograph of Wassily Kandinsky and Gabriele MĂĽnter.
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Wassily Kandinsky is with his friend Gabriele Münter in Sèvres near Paris, France in 1906
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Musical notes


Here are the meanings of some important words.

Abstract - Art that doesn't represent reality.
Realistic - When something is as close to real life as possible.
Synaesthesia - A rare condition when a person sees colours when they hear music, and hears music when they paint.
Composition - A piece of music which has been written by a composer.
Improvisation - Creating or playing the music on the spot without a musical score.

Musical notes
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