Mobile Accessibility Guidelines - Design

Adjustability should

Interactive media, especially games, should be adjustable to accommodate user ability and preference.

Users of interactive media have differing abilities and preferences. Where appropriate, adjustment should be offered to make an experience inclusive and enable everyone to join in.

For example, users in bright sunlight, experiencing a migraine, or with vision impairment may choose to adjust the and , or . Users in a noisy environment, needing quiet, or with hearing impairment may wish to adjust the or enable . Users carrying something, nursing a hand injury, or with motor impairment may want to adjust the and . Younger users, those less familiar with technology, or with a cognitive impairment may adjust a difficulty level, use or .


Consider the following:

  • Avoid complex controls and interactions.
  • Provide multiple ways to control interactions.
  • Provide means to adjust the number of choices.
  • Give the user control over speed and timeouts.
  • Provide means to adjust target area sizes.
  • Provide a specific accessible control scheme.
  • Respect device settings, such as text size.

A game might additionally consider the following:

  • Make accessible modes available in practice tutorials.
  • Begin very easy for progressive complexity.
  • Offer ways to enhance character abilities.
  • Provide means to aid focus or aim using visual, .
  • Provide means to remove or reduce the number of obstacles.
  • Provide a single-hit no-fail mode.


Refer to the above tips.


Refer to the above tips.


Refer to the above tips.



  1. Identify areas of the application that may rely on particular sense:
    • Verify volume levels can be adjusted.
    • Verify text size can be adjusted.
    • Verify content can be resized.
    • Verify colours can be adjusted.
    • Verify the difficultly level of games can be adjusted.
    • Verify time outs can be adjusted.


The following can be adjusted:

  • Volume levels.
  • Text size .
  • Content size.
  • Colours.
  • Difficultly level of games.
  • Time outs.