Visible on focus

Not all elements in a HTML document are immediately visible to the user. Special care should be taken when interactive elements are not visible to meet the needs of all users.


Make hidden elements in the tab order visible on focus.

Why it matters

It is sometimes beneficial to provide content for specific assistive technology users that is visibly hidden, such as additional context for a share button. However, hidden content that is also in the tab order, such as a skip link, may be disorienting for some users if it remains hidden when receiving focus, in particular sighted keyboard users that are not using a screen reader.

Using a clipping technique instead of negative positioning is recommended because of problems the latter can cause in iOS7 Safari, though either approach is accessible.



.visibly-hidden {
    position: absolute; /* clip requires this */
    overflow: hidden;
    height: 1px;
    width: 1px;
    clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
.visibly-hidden:focus {
    height: auto;
    width: auto;
    clip: auto;
<a href="#main-heading" class="visibly-hidden">Skip to content</a>

Not recommended:

.visibly-hidden {
    position: absolute;
    top: -999em;
<a href="#main-heading" class="visibly-hidden">Skip to content</a>


Identify which elements are focusable, and whether any of those are not visible when the page loads, using a tool such as or . Check that all focusable elements that are not visible become visible when they receive focus.

Note: to enable tabbing through all the elements in a page, you may need to adjust some OS and browser’s settings (see ).