
Privacy notice

Your trust is very important to us. This means the ±«Óătv is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal data. It is important that you read this notice so that you are aware of how and why we are using such information. This privacy notice describes how we collect and use personal data about you during and after your relationship with us, in accordance with data protection law.

Why are we doing this and how can you participate?

The ±«Óătv is offering ±«Óătv Academy events, such as courses and training to audiences across the UK and beyond, which you can participate in from the comfort of your own device. You’ll be able to sign up for the events either by webinar or live stream via the ±«Óătv Academy website or use links on our social media pages.

When you register for the event, we’ll ask for your contact information and you’ll have the opportunity to sign up to our newsletter for news and updates about ±«Óătv Academy’s latest work, courses and opportunities.

Once we have approved your registration to attend an event, we (±«Óătv) will send you via email a link to watch the event through Zoom or via Zoom live stream. Make sure you have internet access with Zoom installed so you can view the online event.

When you attend the event, you will be able to watch the trainer/panel and submit comments and questions via the Q&A box. Any comments or questions that you submit will be reviewed by our moderation team before being passed on to our event host for discussion with the panel.

The ±«Óătv will collect your personal data via an online platform used by the ±«Óătv. To ensure the ±«Óătv is meeting its Charter obligations to inform, educate and entertain, we will process some of your personal data to help us make sure we are providing something for everyone and allow you to benefit from our services, enabling us to provide you with the best webinars and live streams with the most relevant information, courses and opportunities. We also process your personal data for the purposes of your attendance at our events and providing you with the ±«Óătv Academy newsletter.

What ±«Óătv will collect and how we will use it?

The ±«Óătv will collect and process the personal data that you have provided to us about yourself. We will process your email address in order to invite you to the event, and any responses to questions on the registration form that you provide to us during registration for the purpose of monitoring our Charter obligations. If you submit a comment or question during the event, we will collect and store your submission as well as your name.

If selected, any comment or question that you submit during an event will also be read out during the event, along with your first name.

We will also collect the name of the country you are watching the event from, and your join and leave time. We will use this information to inform us in general how long people stayed to watch our events for, so that we can identify which events are more successful.

Personal data

You must be 18 years or older to participate in our online events. If you are under 18 you must be accompanied by an adult.

When you register for an event via our online uploader registration form, personal data we will collect includes:

  • Name
  • Age (If you choose to provide it)
  • Postcode
  • Email
  • Mobile number (if you choose to provide it)
  • Employment status (including job title if you provide it)
  • Highest level of education received

Depending on the questions you answer via the online uploader registration form, the ±«Óătv will also collect, and process special category data depending on the content of your registration and details you provide us with. This might include for example:

  • Health related data
  • Race or ethnicity data

When you attend a ±«Óătv Academy event webinar or live stream, during the event we will also collect the following personal data about you which is collected by our third-party processor on our behalf:

  • Your country
  • Your join and leave time
  • Your name linked to a comment if you do not submit it anonymously
  • Your comment or question if you choose to submit one

Who is the Data Controller?

The ±«Óătv is the “data controller” of your personal data. This means that the ±«Óătv decides what your personal data is used for, and the ways in which it is processed. For the avoidance of doubt, your personal data will be collected and processed solely for the purposes set out in this privacy notice. As the data controller, the ±«Óătv has the responsibility to comply, and to demonstrate compliance with, data protection law.

Lawful basis for processing your personal data

The legal basis on which the ±«Óătv processes your personal data for the purpose attendance of the ±«Óătv Academy event is Legitimate Interest. The ±«Óătv’s role is to act in the public interest and to serve all audiences with content which informs, educates and entertains. It is also in our interests to know how long people watch our events for so that we can understand whether the events are watched by our audiences to the end.

The legal basis on which the ±«Óătv processes your personal data for the purpose of monitoring, planning and reporting is Public Task. The ±«Óătv’s role is to act in the public interest and to serve all audiences with content which informs, educates and entertains. As outlined in the ±«Óătv Charter, we have a Public Task to provide content that educates and to do so we need to know more about our audiences to ensure we are making our events for everyone and to ensure we are providing the widest variety possible.

Where we collect and process special category data, the legal basis on which we rely is substantial public interest for the purpose of exercising our function as outlined in the ±«Óătv’s Charter.

If you subscribe to the ±«Óătv Academy newsletter via the online ±«Óătv Academy web form, you provide your consent for us to send you promotional and marketing emails.

Sharing your information

We will use our third-party data processors in order to provide you with this event and to provide ±«Óătv Academy newsletter. We use a third-party data storage provider to store the data collected through the ±«Óătv’s online platform.

The event sessions will be recorded, and it will not be possible to opt out of this functionality. If you have a Zoom account, you will have already signed up to their terms and conditions and privacy policy. If you do not have a Zoom account, you can find out more information about how Zoom will process your personal data here:

All third-party suppliers only use your personal data on behalf of the ±«Óătv and not independently of the ±«Óătv.

We will not share your personal data with any other third parties unless required or permissible by the law.

Retaining your information

The ±«Óătv will retain your registration data provided through our online platform for 75 days, after which it will be aggregated for reporting purposes, and any personal data will be deleted.

If you choose to sign up to ±«Óătv Academy newsletters, your personal data will be kept for the purposes of providing the newsletter. If you choose to opt out/unsubscribe, your details will be added to a suppression list and then deleted after 24 months.

If selected event recordings will feature on the ±«Óătv Academy website and will be kept for perpetuity for archival purposes and to enable others to watch them. Only those that conduct the event will feature on the recordings. If you have asked a question during the event your first name and question where selected will also feature as part of the recording and kept in perpetuity.

If your comment or question is used during the event, it will be retained and archived by the ±«Óătv in perpetuity for archival purposes.

Your data will be stored within the UK and the EEA.

Your rights and more information

You have rľ±˛µłółŮ˛ő under data protection law.

You can °ů±đ±çłÜ±đ˛őłŮ a c´Ç±č˛â of the personal data ±«Óătv stores about you.

You have the right to ask for the personal data we collect about you to be deleted however there are limitations and exceptions to this right which may entitle the ±«Óătv to refuse your request.

In certain circumstances, you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data or to object to the processing of your personal data.

You have the right to ask that we transfer the personal data to you or to another organisation, in certain circumstances.

You can contact our Data Protection Officer if you have questions or you wish to find out more details about your rights, please visit the ±«Óătv’s Privacy and Cookies Policy at hłŮłŮ±č://·É·É·É.˛ú˛úł¦.ł¦´Ç.łÜ°ě/±č°ůľ±±ą˛ął¦˛â. Please note that the description of the personal data collected and how it is used set out in this notice applies to the exclusion of anything to the contrary set out in the ±«Óătv’s Privacy and Cookies Policy.

If you have a concern about the way the ±«Óătv has handled your personal data, you can raise your concern with the supervisory authority in the UK, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). â¶ÄŻâ¶ÄŻâ¶ÄŻ

Updating this privacy notice

We will revise the privacy notice if there are significant changes to how we use your personal data.

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