
The climate stories reaching millions in the Global South

With COP27 in Egypt this year we hear from Marsha Ochieng, Growth Editor at ±«Óãtv Africa; Pablo Montaño, Producer at Doc Society Climate Story Unit and Ankur Garg, Country Director India, ±«Óãtv Media Action. What can we learn from their hugely successful experiences in Africa, Mexico and Indonesia in tackling misinformation and engaging young and tech savvy audiences?

Watch 'The climate stories reaching millions in the Global South'
Thimali Kodikara

Thimali Kodikara

Chair, Producer & Co-Host of Mothers of Invention podcast
Ankur Garg

Ankur Garg

Country Director India, ±«Óãtv Media Action
Marsha Ochieng

Marsha Ochieng

Growth Editor at ±«Óãtv Africa
Pablo Montaño

Pablo Montaño

Producer, Doc Society - Climate Story Unit

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