
Rebecca Wallace

Director, Business Strategy

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Rebecca Wallace is Director, Business Strategy, responsible for developing future plans around the ±«Óãtv’s business model, commercial strategy, and organisation, as well as external market intelligence
  • She will lead on the long-term vision and plan for the ±«Óãtv, including around the review of the ±«Óãtv’s Charter in 2028

Rebecca joined the ±«Óãtv from WPP, the world's largest marketing and communications company, where she spent five years, most recently as EVP, Corporate Strategy, setting up the function and bringing to life the CEO's first five-year strategy. Under Rebecca's stewardship, WPP has expanded its offer to clients, including in new areas such as the metaverse, and focused its commerce capabilities and AI and data offerings. Rebecca was also instrumental in leading WPP's pro bono partnership with the Ukrainian government to attract inward investment to help rebuild the country’s economy.

Prior to joining WPP, Rebecca worked for eight years at Bain & Company in the US, UK, Amsterdam and Australia and ran growth strategy and commercial acceleration projects primarily in the tech, media, and telecom sectors as well as consumer products. Originally from California, Rebecca graduated from University of California, Berkeley with a degree in history.

Expenses and central bookings

Expenses are costs incurred by ±«Óãtv staff on behalf of the ±«Óãtv and claimed through the ±«Óãtv's expenses system.

Central bookings are costs incurred on behalf of the ±«Óãtv and booked through the ±«Óãtv's central bookings system. Both expenses and central bookings are published every three months.


Gifts and Hospitality Register

Gifts and hospitality may only be accepted in line with ±«Óãtv policy. Information about gifts and hospitality is published every three months.


Declaration of personal interests

Staff must make a declaration of their personal and business interests, including any memberships or directorships of public or industry bodies, and any shareholdings, as well as any interests that their immediate families may also have.

A summary is published where there is something to declare and where there is nothing to declare. Occasionally an individual will have something to declare but due to the personal nature of the declaration we do not publish details as to do so would breach the General Data Protection Regulation.

This information is published annually, although if any amendments are made during the year an updated summary will be published if necessary as soon as it is available.


Rebecca Wallace's Declaration of Personal Interests will be published shortly

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