
±«Óãtv Board decision on the ±«Óãtv Three Public Interest Test

This consultation was open from Friday 5 March to Friday 16 April 2021.

In March 2021 the ±«Óãtv set out plans to launch a new ±«Óãtv Three broadcast TV channel as part of the ±«Óãtv’s drive to deliver more value to younger audiences.

As the channel would be a new UK Public Service, the ±«Óãtv Board was required to undertake a Public Interest Test. This test, set out in our , is designed to ensure that when the ±«Óãtv make a material change to its , such as launching a new channel, it supports the ±«Óãtv’s Mission and promotes its Public Purposes and that we are able to demonstrate that the additional public value justifies any potential adverse impact on our competitors or the market.

Following extensive audience research, economic analysis and a period of consultation, the ±«Óãtv Board has concluded that the proposal for ±«Óãtv Three to return as a broadcast TV channel satisfies the Public Interest Test criteria.

The Public Interest Test submission and the main supporting evidence used to inform the Board’s decision are published below.

The ±«Óãtv has now referred the proposal to Ofcom who, as the ±«Óãtv’s regulator, will decide whether the proposal can proceed or not. Information on how Ofcom will reach their decision can be found on .

±«Óãtv Three Public Interest Test submission

This document describes the proposals to launch a new ±«Óãtv Three broadcast TV channel and an explanation of why the proposals satisfy the Public Interest Test.

Our analysis - based on our audience research conducted by MTM, responses to our consultation and modelling of take up and usage - shows that our proposals will clearly deliver high public value, which we have assessed on three levels: personal, social and industry. In particular:

  • It will increase viewing of ±«Óãtv Three content on the channel and iPlayer, improve the ability of viewers to find and watch ±«Óãtv Three programmes, and improve perceptions among younger audiences.  
  • The new channel will be distinctive, offering a broader range of genres (including news, current affairs, documentaries and drama, as well as comedy and entertainment), a significant proportion of first-run UK productions and ±«Óãtv original productions, and will focus on appealing to currently underserved audiences, including younger C2DE audiences, BAME audiences, and audiences outside of London.
  • It will benefit independent producers by creating a bigger shop window for their programmes, under terms of trade. Additionally, our plan to spend two-thirds of ±«Óãtv Three programme spend outside of London will be good for the creative economy across the UK. 

The new ±«Óãtv Three broadcast TV channel will contribute to the fulfilment of the ±«Óãtv’s Mission and promote all four UK-based public purposes through:

  • the news and current affairs aimed younger audiences;
  • factual programming that will support learning among the target audience;
  • high-quality, creative and distinctive programmes; and
  • reflecting, representing and serving younger audiences from across the UK and all diverse groups and supporting creative economy across the UK.

The ±«Óãtv’s analysis of likely market impact demonstrates a relatively low impact on the market.

Supporting evidence

Consultation responses

On 5 March 2021 the ±«Óãtv opened a six week consultation on the proposed ±«Óãtv Three TV channel. We received 22 responses. Where permission has been given, responses from stakeholders are published below.

Consultation (now closed)

The ±«Óãtv’s consultation on the return of ±«Óãtv Three as a broadcast TV channel was open from 5 March to 16 April 2021 and is now closed.

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