
What we do

±«Óãtv Wales is the nation's broadcaster, providing a wide range of English and Welsh language content for audiences across Wales, as well as flagship programmes for network

TV and radio

Our national TV programming is available on a variety of channels and services including ±«Óãtv ONE Wales & ±«Óãtv Wales HD, ±«Óãtv TWO Wales, ±«Óãtv iPlayer and S4C. We also offer two national radio stations, ±«Óãtv  in English and ±«Óãtv  in Welsh. 

Our network radio portfolio includes regular favourites such as The Choir and Composer of the Week for Radio 3 and many drama productions for Radio 4.

On TV, together with the independent sector in Wales we produce programmes for the ±«Óãtv's digital channels Three, Four and C±«Óãtv, and our network dramas such as Doctor Who and Casualty attract millions of viewers worldwide.

On S4C

We have an unique relationship with S4C, contributing around 540 hours of ±«Óãtv Wales programmes a year to S4C's overall schedule, all funded from the licence fee. The ±«Óãtv and S4C renewed a  through which the ±«Óãtv's supply of programmes to S4C is governed.

The ±«Óãtv Trust also sets out a remit for the ±«Óãtv's Welsh language television output. Both of these ensure that the ±«Óãtv's programmes on S4C contribute directly to S4C's programme strategy and deliver the public purposes required of the ±«Óãtv in its charter and Agreement.


±«Óãtv Wales online services reach over three million unique browsers a week, with content delivered to computers, connected TVs, mobile phones and tablet devices.

The service covers the  and  editions of ±«Óãtv Online with content from News and Sport, along with the , ±«Óãtvpage and  guides, Weather, Travel, Radio & Music, C±«Óãtv and CBeebies.

Social media on platforms such as  and  is becoming increasingly important.

 also provides a unique insight into Wales from a Welsh language perspective.

In addition to local output, ±«Óãtv Wales also produces digital content for network productions from  and  to  and .

±«Óãtv National Orchestra and Chorus of Wales

±«Óãtv National Orchestra and Chorus of Wales are based at ±«Óãtv Hoddinott Hall, Cardiff Bay, and perform across Wales and the UK. They are Orchestra-in-Residence at St David’s Hall, Cardiff, and regularly tour to Swansea and around mid and north Wales. They also perform annually at the ±«Óãtv Proms, at London’s Royal Albert Hall.

For more information about the Orchestra and for concert dates, visit .

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